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Edit: Just a little bump to remind folks to get their votes in! Will be picking some tomorrow!

Hey all~ Almost time for doodles!!

I was gonna include a note asking for folks to refrain from requesting Good Omens this month since I haven't watched it yet, but fuck it, I'll draw one (1) of those but only if it's some explicit stuff haha (Neil Gaiman repeatedly rejecting labeling them as a couple really bums me out so it's giving me David Cage antagonist porn vibes) (I mean I know Az/Cro are self inserts of him and his good friend and collaborator Terry (R.I.P.) so I totally understand where the rejection is coming from but he could have embraced the tv show as a separate media exploration) (and I totally get saying "they're angels they have no gender" because I like it but using it as an excuse to shut down fans who are looking for representation in a media environment that gives them so little kinda sucks) (BUT MAYBE I"M WRONG AND HE'S FINE, BUT I CAN STILL DRAW SMUT OF HIS OCs) SORRY I"M DONE

Just uhh please don't request any spoilery content since I haven't seen it. I get the basic gist of their relationship through osmosis both on twitter and back on tumblr haha~

Thankssssss all!


How it works: submit prompt ideas to this post as comments throughout the week, then I'll select some of the most popular ones and some that I really like, and I'll draw as many as I can in 1-2 days (between 6-8). Then I'll post them throughout the week. Please make posts by next Sunday; posts submitted after that can't be included, since I've already selected and started drawing by that point.

I do NOT look at names or show preference to certain people in this process. I DO show preference on the kinds of things I like to draw. I may avoid things I'm not comfortable drawing or which I don't have good ideas for, despite the vote counts. So this isn't the kind of thing where everyone will eventually get one, just because it's not going to be possible. But I hope I do make stuff that you all enjoy :))


  • I will NOT draw: het, NSFW f/f, incest, or underage. I will also probably not draw trans NSFW because it's a delicate topic and not one I feel equipped to handle. You can read more about this here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/26288444 
  • Some frequently requested things I will probably NOT draw because they just aren't really my bag: pairings that interfere with a pairing I prefer, VENOM, Detroit: Become Human, SpaceDogs, Kingsman, Yuri on Ice, Mystrade, Mormor, NSFW of TAZ, Hannibal/Sherlock crossovers (the coffee AU has drained me on that front), teens/kids AUs, fanart for fics (not because I have issues drawing fic fanart, it's just something I prefer to choose to do on my own), DC superheroes, drag queen AUs, AUs that may be culturally appropriative (unless you are from that culture and equipped to educate on what is and isn't okay).
  • I will also not do art for stuff I haven't actually seen yet; my only exceptions are things like the Madancy AUs (Basic Chicken and Char/One-Eye for example)
  • I WILL DO: besides Hannigram etc, I also like weird stuff, obscure stuff, old stuff; I've drawn Monty Python and Tremors smut as well as some weird ABO and snake smut so pls feel free to request unusual kinks and old 90s movies. Also I almost always yes to NSFW monster AUs.
  • Keep in mind if you do not specify, then I may draw your prompt either SFW or NSFW; if you specifically do not want it to be NSFW please say so.
  • These are doodles; I don't let myself spend more than a couple hours on each one, so I can't do very complicated things with them; please try to avoid requesting very complex ideas, or ideas that would require multiple drawings to convey. 
  • Please be specific. The idea of a good prompt is you are trying to put an image in my head that I can't resist drawing, but still gives me flexibility to interpret it my own way. Please do not just request "more johnlock" or "more gamer au" etc.
  • If you are making a request you aren't sure about and you specifically want to know if it's something I am willing to do, please ask me!
  • Please make requests by Sunday; by Monday I've already chosen and started drawing requests so any that are put in then won't be considered, sorry!
  • Multiple requests are allowed, just please be reasonable about it; also consider splitting different requests into different comments so it's easier for others to vote on them :)

Also, please look through the other prompts people submit on these posts and upvote the ones you like! Even if I don't pick your specific one, I might still end up doing one that you'll enjoy. Plus you could get me to do something I wouldn't normally pick if a lot of people vote for it hehe~ Click the heart beside a post to upvote it~



Summer checkin with Kevin and Cole? Porny ice cream eating vibes maybe


Literally I would die for some worshippy Crowley and top Aziraphale, because I love your catholic vibe stuff and also who wouldn't want to worship gentle dom Aziraphale 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


Richie/Eddie from 1990’s IT? Preferably as adults, I’d love Richie kissing Eddie with his missing arm in the hospital after they murder IT, or in the library with some wonderfully terrible early 90’s fashion ♥️


Always a fan of your Hannigram AU Art, how about something along the lines of Hannibal being an alien in disguise (possible literal use of the term “person suit” hah) and Will discovering this in a nsfw situation?

Liam Borja

Ooh good omens..I haven't watched more than the first ep myself so how about Crowley feeding and riding Aziraphale at the same time, sort of a decadence no angel should want or have thing.


If it helps, Michael Sheen and David Tennant have both stayed in interviews that Az and Crow are falling in love. And Michael Sheen has been liking and retweeting stuff that calls them a couple. ANYWAY what about a Good Omens piece of your own fancast for Az and Crowley? Or Aziraphale trying in his own sweet and awkward way to woo Crowley?


I’ve been craving some saucy mermaid au stuff ever since MerMay ended. What about some good old creepy, deep sea eldritch abomination Hannigram mers going at it? Teeth, claws, venomous spines and florescent coloring...oh, and like, tentacles and oviposition and eggpreg, idk. I just want scary mermaid boys getting it on. Maybe courting?


Oh! Pepper of the Them is the greatest and i will give you an out of context quote that spoils nothing: “I wanna be a whale!” I would die for Pepper.


so since you're OK with naughty GO then i have a couple of ideas! Hannibal/Good Omens character crossover! Will as AZ and Hannibal as Crowley. Obviously MUCH DARKER in theme, but basically just naughty angel x demon banging. Or even them banging WHILE will is "falling" and turning into a demon himself. Also, AZ and Crowley fucking in the backseat of the Bentley!


How does Doggie Daycare AU Hannibal handle all the dog hair Will collects on himself and his things? Hannibal is so neat and clean and dog hair attaches exclusively to the clothes you don’t want it to.

Tyler Woodard

Back on my bs, yet again: A large warrior with a big booty bathing in a lake under the light of the moon. He believes himself to be alone, so he lets himself be free in the experience. But maybe... just maybe... someone is watching from the forest beyond the shore...

Tyler Woodard

Also, that intro is hysterical and I just wanted you to know that. 😂

Olivander Addams

Not so much a naughty prompt unless you wanted to make it one, but would be hilarious and awesome to see Crowley cosplaying as the 10th Doctor and Az as a weeping angel ;)


Love your outlast stuff, wouldn’t mind to see more Eddway. Sorry, can’t for the time being think of anything more specific.




I would love maybe some bank robbers Hannibal, very sort of "partners" in crime.


also would love some more outlast stuff, I am dying to see how the babies, raising babies in a asylum must be hard even with strong alphas

Strix Wong

More dnd au? Or the smutty version lol


<3 oh Lord, please bless me with good omens smut. Top Zira knotting Crowley, or Zira being a total dom to a suprised and (frankly) excited Crowley


Thank you for humouring us GO fans! I'd love to see top!Aziraphale, set amongst Crowley's room of houseplants, with Crowley desperately trying to maintain composure and threaten the plants whilst getting fucked.


OKAY SO THROWBACK TIME, but how about Kazujun's Sherlock and John Go on a Meretricious Pokeventure crossed with the current Pokefusion starter pokemon meme on Twitter? Just Sherlock and John WTFing at a shitty, unholy, deformed Magibasaur or something.


i'd like to request some post-fall hannigram following a potential target to a nightclub somewhere while on the run, but ending up getting distracted and lost in each other while dancing? maybe with hannibal really coming apart at the seams because i Love flustered/wrecked hannibal lol


I saw you draw this once and I would love to see it again but an ABO of Teen Wolf with Derek and Stiles. Aside from Hannigram, they are one of my favorite pairs and would love to see it do justice in your art style.


Yes pleasee. There is not enough abo Good Omens content in this world.


Wait!!! Grumpy Devil and cloud-haired Angel Smut? YES! You know, Crowley is such a Tsundere, though, he'd be jerking Az, saying something like 'this doesn't mean I'm in love or something!' While Az is a grinning, blushing, happy mess cause his not-husband is being so tender!




Honestly I would love to see some Tony Stark x Rhodey if possible. I’m just missing my boys now that all that is over.


Maybe a sweet tribute to Tony with all his kids around him? Nebula, Vision, Harley, Peter and Morgan with a grumpy lil Ultron hanging out 😂


Be very excited to see whatever GO smut you do lol 😝


CHRISTMAS IN JULY! I know I keep requesting this but I reeeeaaalllyy need nsfw smutty Krampus!Hannibal and Elf!Will 😛😛😛


a hotdog and a bun holding hands.. also, esh smiling at someone sweet.


Okay, I'm gonna go for a old crack ship. Capoleon. Yes, al Capone x napoleon bonaparte. Specifically from the battle at the museum 2 movie. (Its a great movie.) Just them fucking fighting and bickering (and rage fucking in a closet probably.) The actors are gorgeous and I'm a sucker for ships where they are likeable snarky assholes. And honestly it is one of my favorite ships because its how I met my best friend of 7 years.


Another rare ship of my early fandom life, hulkeye. (in the cartoons the hulk and Hawkeye have chemistry) maybe them being cute or nasty. (Clint nearly cumming from being fingered with just one of hulk's dick sized fingers. The size kink could be amazing.

Ether Z

Hannibal A/B/O - Will's heat is coming and Hannibal is still behind bars. But don't worry! Will has an idea! He's still pretty pissed off about all the Firenze fiasco (Hannibal after running away with Bedelia tried to eat his brain for christ sake!) so it's time for revenge! Will is going to spend his heat right in front of Hannibal glass prison while the dear Doctor will be locked inside his cell. Hannibal will be able to see everything but he will not be able to touch.


I've not been following too closely what Neil has said about Az/Crowley, but I do see his stuff on tumblr occasionally and what I've seen looks like pretty reasonable non-answers to me. Neil believes in death of the author and has said that what's in the show is what is canon and beyond that it's your experience. He's gone so far as to say he "wrote it as a love story" but has not defined "love." So, like, as long as you don't thrust your smut in his face or expect him to see an explicitly sexual love story and happily say 'yes this is exactly right' he's probably cool with whatever you do with the characters.

Jessica Hausoul

Harry Potter D&D? Who plays what, who DM’s and why can’t Dobby keep from describing how his clothes look in great detail?

Jessica Hausoul

How those babies coming for Waylon and Miles? Are they going nuts yet from their hovering Alphas? Cute baby pics?

Da Manki

I don't know if The Wolf from Sekiro is small or is every enemy is just bigger than your average person. Feeding into my size kink tho. Prompting The Wolf defeated by the Chained Ogre and is being claimed as a prize making creative use of chains and stockade.

Sierra McCutchen

I would be really interested to see your version of a Hannibal/ Will crime scene. Meaning if Hannibal did decide to kill Will how do you think he would leave the crime scene. You can make in NSFW or SFW. I just kind of want to see what your "Design" is.

Anxiety Goblin

Uhhh so you did some Greek myth a while back and I have my own pet ship of Neoptolemus and Helenus? Come on, son of Achilles, war ender, young king, takes a trojan prophet for a slave as a war prize and then not only makes that trojan his vassal, BUT ALSO completely ignores his actual heirs and leaves the kingdom to said Trojan/Vassal/Prophet when he dies. Neoptolemus was getting some good dick from Helenus and no one can tell me otherwise.


for good omens i would love to see something with service top crowley spoiling his angel aziraphale, maybe some body worship?


Look, all the Game of Thrones fandom needs right now is some Tormund/Jon Alpha/Omega stuff. Its part of the healing process. If you are doing a good omens piece this week, angel/demon monster fucking would be great- especially if its based off that statue of good/evil wrestling from the show.

Tyler Woodard

I feel like I need to watch this movie now because of this post. I never would have guessed such a ship existed or created friendships! 😂


Is a Hannibal/Good Omens crossover acceptable? 8’D I would love Will as Crowley and Hannibal as Aziraphale


A few months back you drew a gorgeous divine/godlike Will being worshipped by Hannibal, what about a standoff of sorts between godlike Will and Jack? In the show Jack was always trying so hard to keep Will under his control and use him they way he thought was necessary, but he never truly had any power over Will. In the end Will practically held Jack in the palm of his hand and used him to get exactly what he wanted. So the standoff would be between Will, a god, and Jack, a human who foolishly believes himself equal.


Interview with the Vampire AU where Louis is a famous video game streamer and Lestat is a porn star who does livestreams but no one knows they’re together, and one day Louis walks into the background of Lestat kneeling in front of the camera (possibly on top of a floor suction cup dildo?) jerking off and pinching his own nipple, and Louis jumps away. But the internet goes wild anyway. :) Thank you in advance for considering!


Chubby Az topping Crowley and pulling on his wings would be amazing!! I can’t wait to see what good omens art you make!!


Peter B. Parker from Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse telling off Venom for being a bad influence on his adopted spider children. (I ditto every single Crowley/Azriphale post, by the way. For what it's worth, I don't think Neil Gaiman has "shut people down," exactly. He wanted to tell a story about asexual beings who are super close and he's posted he's fine with the fanfic/fanart/cosplay/whatever happens outside the story.)

Bitty Dragon

I enjoyed Good Omens, but it really bummed me out that they cast two white men for Crowley and Aziraphale. I personally fancast Aziraphale as either Richard Ayoade or John Boyega. No idea who Crowley should be, but not a white actor either. So, while I know this is specific and not everyone's cuppa, I'd love to see art of Aziraphale as one of those two actors, with someone nice like Riz Ahmed or something for Crowley.

Bitty Dragon

I would also love more of the D&D AU for Outlast! How do Eddie and Waylon end up together in that AU? :D


Hannigram AU where they are flatmates and met just after Hannibal quit being a surgeon and started his psychiatry parctise. Hannibal didn't really need to share a flat with anybody but he pretended he did to have an alibi, a witness to confirm where he was at night (when what he was actually doing was sneaking out and killing people oops...). Will on the other hand still desperately tries to become a homicide detective. In my head it's a supernatural AU where their powers are actually manifesting as superpowers (Will with his empathy hunts down magical creatures and super villains, Hannibal was possesed by a wendigo at a young age and they became a one, inseparable being). Since they are younger, they are also clumsier, and Hannibal is definately less poised and put-together. Will on the other hand is (sightly) less grumpy and closed-off. It's a bit of a cat'n'mouse kind of situation with lots of distrust and animosity at first, but they end up really caring for one another and less so about the ouside world and its opinions.


Oh, and here's one of the posts he's made about it: https://neil-gaiman.tumblr.com/post/169084845106/i-am-genuinely-sorry-to-bother-you-with-this-but

Liam Borja

welp my gay ass just saw the new Men in Black...I want to see H and C in some sexy NSFW work related scene.


I second some NSFW H and C! Maybe some alien tentacles thrown in since I've also been on a Lyn Gala kick.


I would love to see some monster art with a four-armed humanoid. NSFW or SFW cuddling. I'm not picky. I just find the variant anatomy really visually interesting, and I always love your monster/human pairings.


In light of that Dirt Crown panel yesterday, how about an nsfw panel of Tum and the bara orc?? You have awakened a thirst I didnt know I had 😂


I'm not sure if you've read it but how about Eddway in the To Be Well fic setting? Eddie being domestic and cute while Waylon fawns over him :D


Or some more Normal AU but Waylon discovers Eddie's murderous tendencies? How would he react to it?

Aunt Kwan

I'm sitting here finally able to watch the new Doctor Who, and thinking it would be kinda fun seeing the female Doctor in a SuperWhoLock-ish scene. Do angels know about Timelords? For that matter, does the English Government's little brother?


100% back you doing good omens


Gonna keep asking for this tho: Metalocolypse/Dethklok BDSM: Charles Offdensen/Nathan Explosion I think it's more likely Charles would be dom but I also refuse to believe Nathan is all that submissive. Perhaps a power struggle for who controls the session.

Olivander Addams

Ok seeing as the holiday in the US is coming up and I'm feeling smoopy about fireworks, would love to see some of your fav couples celebrating. Would really love to see McSpirk with Kirk and Bones being dorks with little sparklers and Spock behind them looking endearingly bemused or them trying to get him to have a good time with them, or also I would ADORE seeing Grey and Boy watching a fireworks display together. Maybe Grey dressed in a hoodie to disguise him in the crowd, hugging his Boy from behind and them both watching the display?? I have a love for all things alien and think it would be super cute.


I would love to see some Kevin/Cole in the summertime. I feel like its always snowing/Christmas when you draw them (obviously bc of the source material) but I would love to see how they do in the sun. Can be either SFW or NSFW. I am so grateful for your Inktober 2018 and your portrayal of them both.


i know i requested something similar last month but i’m always holding out hope for true detective content. Marty and rust post finale living together in a domestic setting, marty tending to rusts wounds, that kinda stuff. (also i was wondering if you have seen barry? there’s not a whole lot as far as m/m ship stuff but i am in love with bill hader and i was wondering if u had seen the show)


Stranger things since its right around the corner? Dustin with his 'puppy' or mom!Steve or uh just lifeguard Billy hunking it up at the pool?


haha, my personal fancast was Chiwetel Ejiofor for Aziraphale (because i think he's more baby-faced) and Riz Ahmed for Crowley. Totally agree with you on enjoying it but not wanting to see more white guys.


I LIKE THAT BUMP W/ONE (1) GOOD OMENS ALLOWANCE and I know you'll do plump as a partridge Aziraphale justice-- please consider the aforementioned angel absolutely railing crowley over a mound of books that was once a neat and tidy stack while sighing sweet sweet nothings totally at odds with how hard he's going at it. Crowley looks both like this is the last thing he expected and this is the best thing that's ever happened to him 😊


One really out there idea. Literally my childhood crush that never really went away. Lord Monty Fiske aka Monkey Fist. He rarely gets fanart and the kp fandom is almost entirely Shego/kim or ron/kim. I just want my mad monkey man. Maybe dnamy is having a Romantic day dream (him holding her like a romantic interest on a romance novel.) And irl hes trying to climb out the window to escape her.


Can we see more Hannibal in lingerie? I love that so much 😍

Aunt Kwan

Would love to see a team-up scene with Brienne of Tarth and the Grace Jones character from Conan the Destroyer. I don't care if it's a full-on traditional melee with them kicking asses in epic fashion, or something more mundane like bartering at the leather merchant, or something kooky like they're modern-day librarians intimidating the hell out of everyone.


Dont know if you've seen it, but the latest Godzilla has some potential for ships! Like Godzilla and Ken Watanabe's character, Serizawa, together after the nuclear explosion, when Godzilla reclaims his place as king and Serizawa can show him his true admiration.


I love when you draw SpideyPool, I wondered if you could draw some more with Peter / Spidey giving the big Dman some love ♥ (I love them but I was bummed than in the first Deadpool movie despite all the gay jokes the only time DP takes it in the A** from Vanessa he doesn't seem to enjoy it like people would assume Deadpool would ? I picture him as a very enthusiastic bottom for his beloved Spidey !) Could be valentine, birthday, or could be a hot summer day in the cramped appartment behind the shades (weather is so hot these days I thought it might inspire you !) Thank you for all the art you make, take care !


It looks like you've got plenty of prompts, but I'll still give you the one I was thinking of, just in case. What about Good Omens' Aziraphale/Crowley, but Crowley in his snake form twined around Az with his wings out. SFW or NSFW, whichever you like (though I adore your NSFW stuff, tbh). However, if you're not into GO right now, what about two of your fav monsters getting busy? Whether or not you use my ideas, I love your work and will look forward to seeing what you end up doing. ^5


u know that scene where hannibal’s bound up in ropes at mason’s, with his arms behind him and everything? that but with will fucking him from behind, please?


I feel bad because this was requested a couple of times and I don't really like to shut down requests because sometimes I flip on them! But I'm just not familiar enough with this book to draw these guys. Maybe you can try me again when the sequel film comes out? Although I probably won't watch that for awhile either hahah~ Sorry, I wanted to let you know so you could request a different thing next time if you wanted! Thanks!


Ah I'm sorry, I don't think I'm going to play this game, so I'm probably not going to draw anything for it! I thought about watching some let's plays to see what was up with it but I got really bummed out by the whole difficulty debate. I'm really sorry! I know this game was requested a couple of times, so I just wanted to let you know in case you wanted to request something different next month. Thank you though!!


I haven't seen it yet haha! Maybe when it's on streaming! Into those suits P:


Yess haha I'm really enjoying Barry! Bill Hader is constantly blowing my mind in it, it gives me a lot of emotions ;o;


I haven't seen Godzilla yet so I probably won't draw fanart for it, but... this is a monster/human ship?? That's interesting owo Maybe when it's on streaming! Thank you!


I was bummed about that too but then in DP2 he went for the strap on with some enthusiasm so I like to think maybe she was just a little too enthusiastic at first XD It could've been his first time loll~


I just recently finished watching Star Trek TOS for the first time so I feel I have to suggest some Spirk, maybe pon farr with a sneaky Chekov enjoying some voyeurism