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This one snuck up on me~ I'll be accepting prompts here until March 3rd! I'm not going to do NEARLY as many as I did earlier this month, it was a lot of fun but TOO MUCh; I'm going to attempt to be very strict and limit myself to 8 this time for certain.

By the way, I do intend to get all comic pages up on time (before the end of February) but I also do have a DMV appointment in the middle of the week which could ruin all of my best intentions so I will keep everyone updated!

If you are new to prompts, please read the info below! Thank you everyone for your patience!!


How it works: submit prompt ideas to this post as comments throughout the week, then I'll select some of the most popular ones and some that I really like, and I'll draw as many as I can in one day (between 6-8). Then I'll post them throughout the week. Please make posts by next Sunday; posts submitted after that can't be included, since I've already selected and started drawing by that point.

I do NOT look at names or show preference to certain people in this process. I DO show preference on the kinds of things I like to draw. I may avoid things I'm not comfortable drawing or which I don't have good ideas for, despite the vote counts. So this isn't the kind of thing where everyone will eventually get one, just because it's not going to be possible. But I hope I do make stuff that you all enjoy :))


  • I will NOT draw: het, NSFW f/f, incest, or underage. I will also probably not draw trans NSFW because it's a delicate topic and not one I feel equipped to handle. 
  • Some frequently requested things I will probably NOT draw because they just aren't really my bag: pairings that interfere with a pairing I prefer, VENOM, Detroit: Become Human, SpaceDogs, Kingsman, Yuri on Ice, Mystrade, Mormor, NSFW of TAZ, Hannibal/Sherlock crossovers (the coffee AU has drained me on that front), teens/kids AUs, fanart for fics (not because I have issues drawing fic fanart, it's just something I prefer to choose to do on my own), DC superheroes, drag queen AUs, AUs that may be culturally appropriative (unless you are from that culture and equipped to educate on what is and isn't okay).
  • I will also not do art for stuff I haven't actually seen yet; my only exceptions are things like the Madancy AUs (Basic Chicken and Char/One-Eye for example)
  • I WILL DO: besides Hannigram etc, I also like weird stuff, obscure stuff, old stuff; I've drawn Monty Python and Tremors smut as well as some weird ABO and snake smut so pls feel free to request unusual kinks and old 90s movies. Also I almost always yes to NSFW monster AUs.
  • Keep in mind if you do not specify, then I may draw your prompt either SFW or NSFW; if you specifically do not want it to be NSFW please say so.
  • These are doodles; I don't let myself spend more than an hour on each one, so I can't do very complicated things with them; please try to avoid requesting very complex ideas, or ideas that would require multiple drawings to convey. 
  • Please be specific. The idea of a good prompt is you are trying to put an image in my head that I can't resist drawing, but still gives me flexibility to interpret it my own way. Please do not just request "more johnlock" or "more gamer au" etc.
  • If you are making a request you aren't sure about and you specifically want to know if it's something I am willing to do, please ask me!
  • Please make requests by Sunday; by Monday I've already chosen and started drawing requests so any that are put in then won't be considered, sorry!
  • Multiple requests are allowed, just please be reasonable about it; also consider splitting different requests into different comments so it's easier for others to vote on them :)

Also, please look through the other prompts people submit on these posts and upvote the ones you like! Even if I don't pick your specific one, I might still end up doing one that you'll enjoy. Plus you could get me to do something I wouldn't normally pick if a lot of people vote for it hehe~ Click the heart beside a post to upvote it~



something to do with Adam Towers and that lovely green scarf of his? 😜 maybe with Le Chiffre?


Some BasicChicken anything


If you've seen sweet spicy old man Mads as one-eyed Duncan in Polar (Netflix) I would adore it if we could see your take on maybe MadsDancy or Hannigram AU? I initially thought of Will/Hugh when I first saw Camille but I thought it would be way funnier if he somehow wore ANY of Sindy or Vivians outfits tbh 🖤👊🏼


Hannibal and will eith the dog day care au. Maybe will teaches hannibal some games to help keep lamia active. *msybe to help keep lamia strong in regards some health problems that can hurt purebreeds like her. Even hannibals play clothes could count as business casual and will is in tight sweat pants and a tsnk top


Can we see some ABO Bilbo and Thorin? NSFW or sfw. I just love those two!


Alpha eddie just crying out loud or sobbing to himself while Waylon gives birth. *either bc hes so happy to see his children born or bc waylon is holding his hand for support and broke kt and bite through the belt in his mouth so he doesn't bite through it during the first birthing. *miles is helping waylon give birth bc he has the smallest hands , incase someone needs to help shift the child so they won't come out at a dangerous position . *waylon is just rage screaming and later will be proud he wrapped so hard aroune Eddies arm he broke it


Your last bagginsheild art and fic rec sent me down a spiral... so I will drop three prompts, in case anyone else is feeling it too:


How about a highschool au with badass punk twink waylon hitting on the home ec /art club nerd eddie with 1950s vintage hipsster glasses and green sweatervest.


Bagginsheild around the BoFA, with Thorin clearly gold-sick and dragon-ish, maybe Bilbo in just the mithril? Aliitle torn perhaps, knowing Thorin isn't exactly of sound and safe mind, but also a little bit okay with that, and getting okay-er as the possesive behaviors are progressing.


i would love another Han Solo/Luke Skywalker pic. i did not realize how horny i was for that pairing until I saw your art of it.


Or, a scene where bilbo is performing one of the crafts he excells at (cooking, gardening, storyteller etc), and knowingly or not is driving Thorin spare out of pining for his supremly talented (mate? One? Have they courted yet, or is thorin still faffing about thinking hes subtle??) Friend.

Bitty Dragon

How about more of the Reverse AU for Weddie, where Waylon is the terrifying Bride everyone in the Asylum fears and Eddie is the hapless techie who got caught whistleblowing? What happened to other guys who wandered into the Bride's area before Eddie? What makes the Bride so scary as opposed to Eddie's canonical Groom? I'd just love more of this AU!!! :D


Or, a more domestic piece, an AU where Bagginshield are raising kili and fili, or divergent where the kidlets are frodo and sam, but thorin or bilbo (or both!) Are teaching them some skill or craft, or bilbo bandaging a hurt, or thorin showing off some shiny thing, and being settled sweet uncle/dads.


I lied, 4, I'll stop. Bagginshield lazy summer afternoon or post-coital napping in Bilbo's garden or orchard, comfortable, carefree, no immenent fighting.


I would love a possessive pre-surak TOS Sprik, maybe even A/B/O with Spock publicly claiming Kirk as his


Do you feel like drawing Cap and Bucky having a good old snuggle on a late morning lie in? Anyway love you and your art! 🖤🖤🖤


The Shape of Water, but what if it was Michael Shannon's character who fell in love with the Amphibian Man? Would love to see the bathroom scene between them :^)


I have recently been reading on the new Vampire Chronicles books and it has me jonesing for hood ole' Louis and Lestat things- maybe an AU where, before Louis was changed, Lestate used his skilled hands to give his future companion one more moment of pleasure?


And!!! It's on the throne! Thorin bouncing -his- hobbit on that stone throne, as if to claim him as much as he claims the mountain and the gold! And of course Bilbo doesn't object.


Bilbo, the House Husband, the skilled skilled book binder and tea leaf expert, and it boggles Thorin's mind how Bilbo can do such delicate things while the Son of Durin is a bull in a china shop


Domestic Fluff Bagginshield!! Thorin would be good at the silent parent who hugs his kids tight while internally he's vowing that he will protect his wards with axe, sword, body, and soul if it means making tlsure they never ever cry again.


last night i was dreaming about will!merman but idk maybe Elias may lost in the middle of the sea and maybe meet unforgetable beautiful Adam Towers!merman 🧜🏻‍♂️


Secretary AU of Hannigram or any of your fav ships.

Christie Fisher

I’ve been on a Spirk kick lately. Anything with Kirk and Spock would make my month tbh.


You’ve got me obsessed with Outlast now, so how about an Outlast/Hannibal AU? Hannibal is the terrifying Groom and Will is the poor IT tech who has commitment issues....

Ether Z

It's very VERY HOT in Palermo during the summer and Will linen shirt is so soaked in sweat that is translucent. This is all Hannibals fault! They could have spend the rest of the afternoon locked up in their hotel room enjoying a peaceful nap or reading a book but the dear doctor wantend to visit the beauty of the city and here they are...drenched in sweat. They take a rest from the unforgiving sun in a fanciful little cafè and Will orders cannoli because he damn well deserves it. They're so delicious he can't stop moaning in delight, Will is half way through his first cannolo when he became aware of Hannibal uncharacteristic fidgeting. "Hannibal are you ok? You're so red!" asks Will licking his fingers covered in sugar. And it's in that moment that Hannibal stands up from his seat with a roar and after throwing some money on the table grabs him and urgently drags him in a secluded alley. "Hannibal what the actual fu.... Oh"


How about some TOS Kirk and AOS Spock? You always see it the other way around and as great as AOS Jimmy and TOS Spock are I think there’s a lot of potential for TOS Kirk suducing or charming a flustered AOS Spock. Maybe a professor/cadet AU or Captain Kirk and his new very deligent and teasable Ensign? Bonus if there is smut!


I don’t know if ‘Devil May Cry’ is a series you’re into but would love to see Nero testing out his ‘Sweet Surrender’ arm in a NSFW kinda way ~<3


More horny fairy tales! Something similar to the Goldilocks and the three bears thing from this month- maybe kinky Rapunzel who uses his hair to tie up his partner, or frog prince with eggpreg? Maybe dom!cinderella in some killer glass stilettos?


I'm huge into vampires, so anything with The Lost Boys, Vampire Chronicles, or even Bram Stoker's Dracula (Dracula/Johnathan, perhaps). Blood is a plus, nsfw is optional, but appreciated!


For a SFW post- maybe something Adventure Zone or Critical Role (campaign 2) related? The weather’s been crappy where I live- maybe characters bundling up from the cold, or dealing with rainy days?


Gamer AU Hannigram where Will is playing an intense game and trying to focus, but Hannibal is trying to distract him by jerking off right next to the screen. Bonus points for a tenga or other aid to his show. Thank you!

Olivander Addams

Oh man ive had so many ideas! I know you once drew a Pacific Rim Newmann piece which I adore and since you love monster stuff I would get so giddy to see some NSFW Kaiju!Newt and Hermann. Especially if it included some egg laying or some Kaiju tongue kink play!!!

Olivander Addams

Was also thinking, along the Hannigram (sorta) theme. Woukd be great to see some art of Tristan and Galahad from King Arthur. Like what I keep picturing is their first time when they're camped outside with their other men and both tucked under their blankets and furs and Tristan has to keep a hand over Galahads mouth to keep him quiet as they make love the first time~

Olivander Addams

Last one Ive had on my mind for now!! I don't think youve drawn it or know if you like Firefly but anything of Jayne Cobb and Badger would be epic! There's almost no art or fics of them out there and I need more! Haha. Sfw or NSFW is fine so long as they look like they roughed each other up and are smug as hell about it!! ;)


ABO spidey pool w/ Peter b Parker. I loved the art prompt you did with the pairing. How about papa Spidey pregnant sex or heat sex and Alpha Wade being all too happy to impregnate Daddy Spidey.


Ooohhh! How about Draco/Harry Werewolf or Omegaverse AU?? Something super soft but maybe biting? 💕


I know it might be too soon, but I would love more of the characters from the Giant zine!


idk if you've seen the dragon prince yet, but aaravos real aesthetically please if you do something with his touch starved tendencies that would just be real good


David and Goliath smut or cuddles pls!


How about Waylon coaxing Eddie into bottoming for him for the first time? Helping him overcome the trauma and shame and really enjoy it. Eating him out, being gentle and sappy. Or how about Will and Hannibal socializing with this murderous couple? What if Eddie is the tailor behind all the Hannibal’s ridiculous suits? :D

Tyler Woodard

I’ve come to the conclusion that two of my aesthetics are muscular men with fat asses and men with horns. So basically if you wanted to draw a horned man with a banging booty bathing by moonlight, looking up at the stars while we look at DAT ASS, I wouldn’t stop you... 💅🏼

Da Manki

deadpool and peter b parker attempting to do the famous movie upside down kiss.. but instead it becomes a 69. XD

Ether Z

Hannibal Ladyhawke AU. Once upon a time there were two very valiant knights, Will and Hannibal.Together they were unstoppable and their love eclipsed everything else. But a evil wizard, jealous of their love decided to cast a terrible curse, Will wuold turn into a hawk during the day and Hannibal in a wolf by night so they wuold be always together but eternally apart. They could briefly see each others true form only at dawn, when moon and sun meet each other for a few fleeting moments.


so we've had some lost boys art, is there any love for fright night? :D i'd love to see some Jerry/Charley, or any other pairing!


Ascended/godlike Will with worshipful devotee Hannibal. I honestly keep imagining a situation where the entire cast follows him because if you look at the show the lives of the whole cast pretty much revolved around Will the entire time. But that also seems hard to draw so I'm limiting it to just Hannibal and the most divine thing he's ever seen, Will.

Liam Borja

ok so been looking at my poor fraying Salty Bear dakimakura keychain and I realized I need some NSFW salty, I need it like my body needs water and coffee.

Yesenia MmmMmm

I've really wanted to see more of the reverse Weddie Au you did, the bride instead of the groom, like how he managed to take that behemoth down. Or whatever you feel like.


Gamer!Will OUT OF HIS MIND excited to play the new Animal Crossing game on Switch at Pax or other gaming convention with gamer!Hanni 😍 live my dreams for me ~ (Hannibal finds something for himself too...)


We've seen omega!Jim Kirk going into heat with Alpha!Spock a few times. How do you feel about drawing their quarter-Vulcan spawn??


butting in to this, but Steve/Tony/Bucky. where Tony is seduced by the pair of super soldiers. he is like "WTF, am i dreaming? or high?" and Steve and Bucky are enjoying his bafflement and so teasing him.


I’ve been on a Hobbit binge since your piece last month and I love the stories where Bilbo feeds Thorin and thinks it’s the hottest thing ever while Thorin is totally clueless. Reminds me of some of your Hannibal mouth/eating pics.


Also because I’ve been watching Leon’s pillowy backside run all over the RE2 remake while terrified of Tyrant/Mr. X’s stupid pounding footsteps, I am obligated to request gross monster stuff.

Jessica Hausoul

>.> can we get an update on how the mom crew is doing in the asylum? Did Chris make a crib for Waylon and Eddie, is Eddie still being a butt to Miles? Did any of the inmates make a baby shower (maybe not invite the cannibals but like the Silkies would probably be sweeties)

Jessica Hausoul

Oh!! Spidedy verse Miles meeting DP (sfw) and the sass that would ensue! (Would be cool if Parker B was near by like a worried mama)

Anxiety Goblin

it was my first thought to request too, I'd love to see more of them! <3

Tempestt Parham

Hmm... Little red riding hood... Hannigram....NSFW... I can just picture wolf Hannibal getting to 'eat' Little Red Riding Hood Will after he failed to kill/escape the House/Den. What can I say...i love a animalistic Hannibal getting to tap that great Will Graham ass!

Aunt Kwan

I like that! and also like it the other way around... Like maybe Will is the woodsman -- and Woodsman Will decides not to chop up Wolf-Hannibal after setting Little Red Riding Abigail & her Granny free, in favor of having adult happy-fun-time in Granny's bed (Hannibal-wolf still dressed up as Granny is optional, as is Granny taping it all from outside the window).

Aunt Kwan

Would love to see Lobo, Adam, Vlad, & the rest as Hell's Angels. Or just in all-leather duds.


Can you please do something with Leon S Kennedy from the Resident Evil 2 remake? I love the new character model and I just wanna see him in a sexual situation. Maybe have him deal with some tentacle monster nude? I think both the sexy and necrotic aspect of it might be right up your alley ;)


I’ve been keen for the boyfriends from your Giant comic ever since I read it TAT nsfw or sfw~


Bara fairies? Tiny wings, big bods. Or big bods and large wings? Choose anyone, i think it should just be a bit of fun. ( i just really think the image might be funny) :))) i mean its also the 69th comment so its up to you to nsfw or sfw.


What if waylon was set in a separate ward with women? *blaire mentioned in canon letters that experimentation of the walrider shouldnt be limited to men. What if waylon got placed in the womans ward bc he kept getting fake pregnancy symptoms?bc he wants a family so bad but isnt attracted to women. The women were placed in lead walled rooms to stop walrider effects.


Another weirdest idea: movie verse Deadpool in his blond wig, dress and pumps chasing Eddie and waving his cut off dick around like a flag. Yelling “i’m into it! Lets make a super baby!”


I'd love to see some Cole/Kevin, preferably NSFW, with Cole enjoying blowjob from Kevin, being blushed, vocal and just adorable.


Kevin/Cole Pokemon AU? SFW. It’s DEFINITELY the Detective Pikachu movie that is getting me super hyped, but man I’d love just… Like both Kevin and Cole are trainers and have Ghost types (Kevin because of his darker tendencies and Cole because the whole communicating with the dead). Like Kevin with a grinning Gengar while Cole has a super shy Mimikyu would murder me. SO CUTE!!! It would be a cool look at how they’re both morbid in their own way. I’ll stop rambling haha.


Oohh what if stubborn Sherlock and Will are fighting to kick the other out of their shared dorm to spend time with their respective boyfriends? John and Hannibal would more or less make some kind of schedule while they wait.


Kevin/Cole: I’m a total fluff ho. Even in NSFW, so I’d like body worship. Either way, Kevin worshiping Cole or Cole worshiping Kevin, with the other just like melting <3. Whether that’s with blindfolds, ropes, or just dirty talk. I’m into all of it <3 Give me blushy messes or give me death!

Jessica Hausoul

I love size differences, can we get some more from the Hannigram verses?

Jessica Hausoul

Oh god, poor Eddie, though it would give Waylon a chance to hide and scurry away


I just finish the game Uncharted, I just can't get enough of Nathan Drake and Samuel Drake, they are so hot, this could be sweet :)


If you need any SFW prompts, I would love to see something with Olea and Tum! Perhaps when they were kids with Olea getting up to some mischief and pulling Tum along for the ride? Or perhaps with her doing an epic pose/arm wrestling folks at the local tavern (with or without the effects of liqour)? While Tum is knocked out cuz boy can't hold his alcohol?


Half transformered (ie his mother before she hopped out the window) Black Lamb! Will And Hannibal looking t him in awe


i've had this idea for a while. but hannigram as rasputin and tsarina alexandra (hannibal as rasputin and will as tsarina). maybe they are attending some lavish masquerade/ball in italy or paris on their honeymoon - i'd love to see will in early 1900's dress. or it is some nsfw roleplay? i'm not really picky about the context really. ^^;


What do you think of Tony Stark x Jotuun!Loki SFW kissing or NSFW cold/ice play? I don’t know if you like this pairing but thanks for your work!


I would love to see you draw some true detective stuff! i know u said you watched season 3 on twitter, so maybe some season 3 stuff? i love tom and roland or roland and wayes :')


More reverse Weddie AU where they got out of the asylum and trying to survive as a couple? Like Waylon being jealous of seeing dapper Eddie flirt his way to having grocery discounts or something and asserting dominance over other ladies 😂

Jessica Hausoul

Because dimension travel happens...can we get some Spirk with way to many Spock’s?

Jessica Hausoul

Can we get some sweet post Battle for Hogwarts Drarry?

Jessica Hausoul

Being a naughty kitty, Hannigram with gender bend Clarice? (Goes to timeout corner)


Waylon just like koala hugging eddie the second hes in range or glaring at the other lady. Its unlady like to yell and stab in public. *eddie made it clear he will use condoms indefinitely if waylon recklessly killed someone outside the asylum. The bride still wants to start a family and hates the sensations of condoms. *they used it exactly once and neither cared for it.