All the Days (30 day OTP challenge) - Zip (Patreon)
The first of these was started in late 2012 and the second was started in late 2013, and The Bed Day was from my early Patreon days in 2016~ I also included some extra related images~
I'm still working on cleaning up the rest of the archive folder to let ya'll download it; I want to separate out a few other comics like Wreck, Wayfinding, Chasing Your Starlight etc into other downloads so they're easier to read, unlike the nsfw blog bundle lol.
Unfortunately, since I was putting this comic together and it was important to have every single one in order, it lead me to realize either some images from my blog were missing from the archive or are listed severely out of order to the point where I couldn't find them; I'm not sure what else could be missing yet, but basically I'm gonna have to go through and eyeball to see what else might not have been properly backed up. I still have other backups besides my downloads, so I don't think anything will be lost forever, but I'd still encourage you not to rely too heavily on me and to back up your favorites on your own if you're worried about losing something; I might forget a random old image here and there and if Tumblr ever completely wipes my blog then I might forget to ever put it up again.