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So due to the new arrival of a lot of folks from tumblr, I hit my next goal for physical rewards much faster than I expected, and since I just did a round of those a few months ago, I have nooooooo idea what to do for this one or if I'm even going to be able to set something up on a reasonable timeline. 

So, I wanted to check in with ya'll and find out if anyone's going to mind a lot if I bump that whole thing to January. I'm traveling in two weeks for the holidays, so along with all the blog bs, I have very little time to actually brainstorm ideas, collect info, order items and begin distribution. Basically, I would like to move the sign up to January, when I will actually know what I am making and what kind of info I will need from everyone, so anyone who deletes their pledge before I get the sign up going would not be able to sign up for those items, despite being pledged right now.

Please feel free to share your feelings, even if they're negative. I'd ask everyone to respect everyone else's opinions (meaning, please don't argue; you're all real good about this and I don't want to say that you're not, just that I want everyone to feel safe sharing).

Also if you have any suggestions for what you'd like the next reward to be then please share! Only requirements are that it's flat, flexible, and can fit and be mailed in a standard envelope (and also that I can order it somewhere). Past rewards have been stickers, fabric patches, a paper doll, and just plain old thank you cards. Trading cards maybe? Bookmarks? A tiny mini zine? IDK!!!

Thank you so much for helping me reach this new goal btw! It's definitely not a bad problem to have, and I love brainstorming up new things to send you, this is just weird timing!



Take your time Reaper! Life comes first


Personally don't mind. Take all the time you need.


You do you. A mini zine sounds cool but I am also not picky


Take the time you need! 💜 And anything you come up with will be great, but I'm especially partial to bookmarks or cards.


Take your time Reaper ❤️ If it can save you time I think a mini zine of your favorite doodle day prompts would be amazing!


More time for great ideas? No problem here! X3


January is fine! Maybe Kevin/Cole related?


Please take all the time you need! I'd rather you take your time and produce something you like than just try to rush because of an unexpected deadline. And I like the tiny mini zine idea!


I expect your Canadian fans wont mind. Our postal service is on strike rn so we won’t get anything delivered this month anyway. :/


I have absolutely no problem waiting. Mailing is crazy around the holidays anyway. A mini zine or card would be cool, but I wouldn’t mind getting another patch, that’s been my fave so far!


I'm really happy with more stickers <3 a mini zine is also a great idea.


You take your time, and take care of yourself. I'm grateful for things whemever they come. I really liked the fabric patches! Maybe some designs from the coffee shop AU, so there are more character options?


I have no problem waiting and its awesome you hit your goal faster! Hmmm I love your stickers and patches so new or old ones would be lovely 😊 what's a mini zine? I can't seem to remember 😅


Congratulations! If I could, I would pledge much more and I am ok with whatever extra you want to share. It is a total privilege to enjoy your talent. Thank you!!!💕


Oooh yes something from the coffee shop AU would be awesome! Love this!

Saint Judas

Take your time absolutely!! Congratulations!


Do whatever works best for you! I’d very much love some stickers or like a mini zine!


Definitely take your time! And the zine or trading cards sounds awesome!


Even if it may be a touch post-season, what about traditional Japanese New Years cards, a la the nengajou? Or maybe greeting cards in advance of the next major holiday for people to use and share in time for it. What would that be? Valentine's Day?


*busts in through the e-mail door, still somewhat out of breath regardless of not having moved at all* waiting until January is completely reasonable and honestly preferred so you can enjoy your well-deserved break! I would also like to establish that you could give me literally anything with Jonah and Esh on it, and I would cherish it forever.


New year, new rewards 😎


Nooo Canada is supposed to be a beacon of hope in North America! TwT


A mini zine sounds fun. A dress up paper doll of any of your original characters would be so fun.

Ether Z

Take your time no need to hurry! And I wuold absolutely LOVE bookmarks 🤩


I LOVE paper dolls!!! Also bookmarks are always great! A mini zine sounds fun but that sounds like a lot of work!


Enjoy your holiday!


Bookmark is a fun idea. Can never go wrong with more stickers either

Tammy Lee

I would love a wee mini-zine! And January is perf.


It will be better for everybody if you wait to January: there is no hurry, you will have more time to work on it and all of us will not be bothered with all the problems post offices have this holydays. I would love some stickers that I can use on my laptop :) Enjoy your holidays!!


Eddie/Waylon stickers would cute as heck


New Patreon here, love your stuff and glad to now be supporting you. Take your time! As for what physical merch to offer, stickers would be cute.


Trading cards of your monsters


I don’t mind waiting. Trading cards are a really cute idea! I think everyone is hungry for monsters, me included.


January is perfectly fine! I would love stickers, but I also like the idea of bookmarks and a mini-zine!


The mini-zine is an awesome idea.


Yes-yes-yes!!!!! Stickers with Kevin and Cole would be so awesome!!


January is great! Mini-zine or bookmarks would be awesome. Thank you!


Have wonderful holidays Reaper 😊 thank you for everything you create! Stickers with skeleton m-demon babies would be beyond adorable! They are a perfect mascots for the upcoming new year. I know it is going to be the year of the pig, but these little monsters are so cute! ❤️ Anything with Cole and Kevin is wonderful too.


I'd love to see more fabric patches or the mini zines are a neat idea!


Canada post went on strike so most parcels are shipping late now that they’re back. Which means! It’d be a January thing anyway! Take your time, enjoy your holidays, and rest a little bit. I second mini zines- or even magnets. My fridge is so empty. So cold.


Bumping to January is fine by me! Bookmarks or a mini-zind would be spectacular!


i‘m fine with whatever you decide - i loved all goodies so far! :D

Tyler Woodard

I’m not sure if I am misinterpreting the request, but when you say “flat and flexible”, do we only mean something made of paper or fabric? Because a pin or an acrylic standee would be great as I would love to add one of those to my collection! I would also be more inclined to use them then a patch or sticker. But I wouldn’t mind a bookmark- preferably with a bootyful image. 😉


January is no problem at all! Hope you have an awesome holiday! I’d love to see a mini zine or a new fabric patch, that would be awesome. Keep up the amazing work 💛✨🌙


Waiting till January makes sense! :) I'd love paper dolls or stickers! :D Thank you!


Yeah, it basically has to be sent the same as a greeting card/regular letter, because if it becomes thicker or rigid then the international shipping cost bumps up astronomically high; I usually have around 200 signups of which about a third or fourth of are international so it would make it really really expensive to send them for free. I think if this patreon ever gets wildly high then I might offer stuff more like that :)


Holiday season is rough. Take the time you need, please.


Have a great time during the holidays reaper! And don't worry about us ❤️


As for the physical rewards I don't know how doable it would be, but what about some sort of tarot card with Esh/Jonah or Hannibal/Will in your new hannigram comic? There are plenty of websites which allow you to print your own tarots although I'm not sure about prices. What do you think?




Take your time during the holidays! I absolutely loved the stickers I’ve gotten and I’ve gotten some of your patches in the past too. Wouldn’t say no to a mini print or postcard, either! But the important thing is taking your time and working on a schedule that is best for you. :)


A nsfw paper doll? Or how about a nsfw acrylic standee? Nsfw anything? Hee hee

Liam Borja

January works and omg a NSFW paper doll or stickers, yes please.


Newbie from tumblr, here! I don't mind if it's delayed. Stickers or a mini-zine would be fun! I'd love some This Vacant Body (or Weddie!) swag.


I don’t think any of us would or could begrudge you for needing the extra time! We understand!!! Anything you suggested sounds great- a mini Kevin/Cole zine would be amazing also tarot themed anything is really hot right now


Stickers or a postcard print? Delay isn't a problem.


I'm new as well, but I am more than fine with waiting until January. In terms of suggestions, I would love a set of stickers of some of your favorite ships to draw or something like that. I hope you have a happy and relaxing holiday season!


I think that sounds fair! You’re busy and have a life outside of this! Please take the time for yourself! NSFW mini zine?? But tbh anything would be lovely ❤️


I’m thinking perhaps nsfw paper dolls of Hannibal and Will to rebel against the tumblr purge? Lol. Hannibal would look smoking hot in his sock garters oh la la. Hannigram stickers is always a good choice too. 🥰


Congrats!!! It would be awesome if we could start the new year with trading cards or stickers. <3


please take your time! it's the holidays, the fandom internet is exploding, get some rest and don't stress about us, we support you and love your work :) as for physical merch suggestions, i was gonna say mini dakimakura keychains but you totally already made some! you could do something coffee shop au related and make coasters with the different ships on them. or, if it's not too expensive, standees!


Enjoy the holidays. Take your time. January is fine 😊


Take your time, there is no rush! I also like the mini-zine and possibly a variety of pairings? I personally love your spirk drawings, but I know that’s not everyone’s top choice.

Da Manki

take your time!


totally take your time and more stickers or a minizine would be epic

Cotton blue

Enjoy the season and take your time. I’d love monster stickers or mini zine (Hannibal!) would be fun.


Not sure, if these are super expensive to make, but how about Lenticular Postcards. Image changing postacrds with your desing would be a dream.💕


I would love a SFW Star Trek, ‘Home Sense’, Sherlock, or HP sticker! Only not including Hannibal because they were the last rewards, and SFW because I would love to display it somewhere people can actually see it. Whenever you can do it is fine!!

Furia and Mimma

Oh, a SFW mini zine would be the best thing ever! Everyone would enjoy that, we think <3


Between November and December, it's just so busy for everyone. Enjoy the holidays! January is fine! A mini zine or stickers would be cool.


Take your time; can't rush genius. A mini zine would be awesome!


Mini zines are cool ^-^ bookmarks sound handy too lol I’ll love anything xD

Da Manki

maybe make a dakimakura pose trading card sticker thing that can be used as a bookmark? i'm already using the stickers as bookmarks lol. mini-zine sounds cool but i shudder at the logistic for that one.


I would love a bookmark! I like Hannibal/Will and with a bookmark I can take my love everywhere I go.


Since you are thinking of moving to January, how about a monster theme...I’m sensing a Yeti vibe for those of us surviving the winter. 😂

Aunt Kwan

I'd love a bookmark, mini-zine, or something like a charm that I could clip to stuff (tote, rear-view mirror, etc). Weren't you going to take January off? You need your down-time, please don't overwork yourself. I'd much rather wait until February, or longer, than have you get burnt out or run down.


I'm not going to do a January doodle day as a break for myself, but I'm still planning on doing January's comic updates. I think what is likely is that I'll decide what I'm making and do the rewards sign up in January, so production/distribution will likely run into February. So not too stressful of a timeline :) Thanks!

Jessica Hausoul

I'm not picky......>.> do I even get anything?


mini zine sounds amazing, or even a tiny bookmark or charm. I assume like... the charms and stuff would be the more popular things? Either way, love anything and everything <3


A mini-Zine would be dope or maybe a keychain? Though i am not sure if thats affordable??


Take your time! You deserve to enojy the holidays without stress :) Stickers as reward would be great! I'd love to see some with the Outlast cast or maybe bagginshield.


A mini zine or bookmark sounds great but here's an idea: Hannigram bluray covers. You know that slip of paper that makes the cover of the blurays, how about we make our collection more awesome with your art.


love the sound of a mini zine, adore all you do, happy to wait, my pledge will expire when I do, thrilled to just witness and be a part of supporting your gorgeous art and stories tbh