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Edit: Just a little reminder! Don't forget to get in your last minute prompts and to vote for/heart your favorites by Sunday!

Hey everyone! It's time for doodles! If you're new to doodles, please read through the info below~ This post will be accepting prompts from today thru September 30th!

Since these are October doodles, I'll be leaning towards spooky or scary themes, as well as light costume/candy stuff, so please consider throwing some of that at me!


How it works: submit prompt ideas to this post as comments throughout the week, then I'll select some of the most popular ones and some that I really like, and I'll draw as many as I can in one day (between 6-8). Then I'll post them throughout the week. Please make posts by next Sunday; posts submitted after that can't be included, since I've already selected and started drawing by that point.

I do NOT look at names or show preference to certain people in this process. I DO show preference on the kinds of things I like to draw. I may avoid things I'm not comfortable drawing or which I don't have good ideas for, despite the vote counts. So this isn't the kind of thing where everyone will eventually get one, just because it's not going to be possible. But I hope I do make stuff that you all enjoy :))


  • I will NOT draw: het, NSFW f/f, incest, or underage. I will also probably not draw trans NSFW because it's a delicate topic and not one I feel equipped to handle. 
  • Some frequently requested things I will probably not draw because they just aren't really my bag: pairings that interfere with a pairing I prefer, SpaceDogs, Kingsman, Yuri on Ice, Mystrade, Mormor, NSFW of TAZ, Hannibal/Sherlock crossovers (the coffee AU has drained me on that front), teens/kids AUs, fanart for fics (not because I have issues drawing fic fanart, it's just something I prefer to choose to do on my own), DC superheroes, drag queen AUs, AUs that may be culturally appropriative (unless you are from that culture and equipped to educate on what is and isn't okay).
  • I will also not do art for stuff I haven't actually seen yet; my only exceptions are things like the Madancy AUs (Basic Chicken and Char/One-Eye for example)
  • I WILL DO: besides Hannigram etc, I also like weird stuff, obscure stuff, old stuff; I've drawn Monty Python and Tremors smut as well as some weird ABO and snake smut so pls feel free to request unusual kinks and old 90s movies. Also I almost always yes to NSFW monster AUs.
  • Keep in mind if you do not specify, then I may draw your prompt either SFW or NSFW; if you specifically do not want it to be NSFW please say so.
  • These are doodles; I don't let myself spend more than an hour on each one, so I can't do very complicated things with them; please try to avoid requesting very complex ideas, or ideas that would require multiple drawings to convey. 
  • Please be specific. The idea of a good prompt is you are trying to put an image in my head that I can't resist drawing, but still gives me flexibility to interpret it my own way. Please do not just request "more johnlock" or "more gamer au" etc.
  • If you are making a request you aren't sure about and you specifically want to know if it's something I am willing to do, please ask me!
  • Please make requests by Sunday; by Monday I've already chosen and started drawing requests so any that are put in then won't be considered, sorry!
  • Multiple requests are allowed, just please be reasonable about it; also consider splitting different requests into different comments so it's easier for others to vote on them :)

Also, please look through the other prompts people submit on these posts and upvote the ones you like! Even if I don't pick your specific one, I might still end up doing one that you'll enjoy. Plus you could get me to do something I wouldn't normally pick if a lot of people vote for it hehe~ Click the heart beside a post to upvote it~


Strix Wong

More gluskin torture stuff? Or that cabin in the woods au?


Said I was gonna do it soooo: your monster boys. Sfw or NSFW but it would be super cute if they were handing candy out to trick or treaters lol


How about hannigram dressed for halloween? You kniw since its october and what not.


Or maybe some destiel? Anyway you want i dont know if you're still into the show or not.


will bakes a batch of people- or zombie-shaped cookies. hannibal thinks they're for him and eats the lot. turn out they were dog biscuits :P hannibal's upset, will's upset, there are hungry dogs everywhere...

Ether Z

Legolas and Gimli on their ship with a vibranting cock ring 💍 ⚓


Hello there! I recently joined your Patreon so I hope I'm doing this right. I would love a Will/vampire Hannibal, with Will realizing that Hannibal is the vampire/killer he has been hunting, but he has already started falling for him (maybe with Hannibal hugging Will from behind in front of a mirror, and Will can't see Hannibal's reflection - but anything with vampire Hannibal will do!). Thanks for your great work, you're AMAZING!


more classic monsters pleeeease!! bonus points if you manage to put the invisible man in porn! xD


One of my favorite bad horror movies is Event Horizon. Since Laurence Fishburne is in it, how about a version with the Hannibal cast as crew? They could be in the hell orgy video from the lost crew. Or they could be the rescue mission crew, with their nightmarish visions and subsequent self destructiveness after exposure to the ship's engine :))))))))


Perhaps Hannigram fighting the monsters from A Quiet Place? C:


Jonah/Esh Addams Family au....sfw...maybe have the ghost girl in it as a daughter or family member.🖤


i cant express how excited i would be to see an Ethan Chandler/ Sir Malcolm Murray (of Penny Dreadful) in an Antique Bakery AU. How lovely it would be to have a werewolf patiently teaching the distinguished gentleman the finer points of bread making.


Any Star trek pairing in spoopy? Vampire Spock verse or incubus Kirk?


How about some Destiel NSFW? They had to hide in some tight place during a hunt. The monster(s) are creeping around outside of their hiding place so they have to be real quiet too! I'm always a sucker for bottom Dean, but either way is fine!


Witch and familiar hannigram. Will being the witch and Hannibal being a summoned creature/familiar. Nsfw or sfw.


Oh, more of those classic monsters!!!


Spideypool. Man-spider au. There was the episode when Peter was transforming in the man-spider with multiple arms and into a hairy man-spider. Nsfw or A/B/o it could be Peter's transformation triggered his heat and the deadpool can help relieve the pain. Bonus points if it results in spidey eggs and Peter makes a giant web nest.


It would be awesome since the new spider game came out


Hannigram little red Riding Hood au. Hannibal as the wolf and will as red with AOB maybe. (Omega Hannibal?)

Rizzo Dulce

Would you do spooky nsfw Shiro and Keith from voltron? Shiro as Kuron and Keith as galra?


hannigram from the coffee shop au taking abigail trick or treating while wearing matching costumes, maybe with abigail as a little ghost!


How about your favorite characters as their zodiac signs?! i.e Will as Gemini, Sherlock as Virgo?? etc... Just got into the whole astrology scene and I think it would be super dope to have you draw your favs and highlight their astrological personalities!


i stumbled upon Spideypool fic (<a href="https://archiveofourown.org/works/504186)" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://archiveofourown.org/works/504186)</a> where Deadpool is wearing some pretty lingerie. so, inspired by that (and all manly men in pretty undies): NSFW Spideypool, DP in lingerie - scars showing, pls, and Spidey being all hot&amp;bothered by it. No need to be just like Ghostsoldier's fic, it just reminded me that this is my kink, too. xD


I Would love to see a continuation of your faun Will meeting murdersuit hannibal. It have a really dark feel and I love it. And of course i Would love it being nsfw 🤣


How about a Rose for Emily Hannigram au? I would also love to see Eddie/waylon celebrating the Halloween season :D


Or centaur Hanni with hunter Will. Snugeling and being in love. Will taking care of Hanni's need 🤭 Either sfw or nsfw.


I haven't seen it yet but I want to ;w; So not this time but maybe in the future if I enjoy it!


🎃 Jonah and Esh carving pumpkins!! 🎃


🎃 Esh and Jonah monster fucks! 🎃


Unfortunately I still haven't seen Penny Dreadful lol~ I keep meaning to... Maybe I would be up for this after I've watched it :))


I'm sorry, I haven't watched Voltron yet so I'd feel weird about drawing those characters! But please feel free to request something else!


If the invisible man tops, does that mean you can see everything as he stretches out his lover. O.o


Some Hannigram inspired by the Blob. Hannibal is some sort of gelatinous creature (slime man basically) and Will is his newest victim... or is he? Instead of absorbing Will as sustenance, Will is undergoing a transformation to merge with Hannibal and become just like him, as well as a part of him.


Hannigram with Will as the creation and Hannibal as the doctor (monster). Maybe set right before the Fall?


Have you seen Near Dark? It's a vampire movie with the cast from Aliens, and I can't get enough of Bill Paxton's character, Severen. I would love to see your take on them, or anything sexy with Severen! :^)


I think I brought this up last year, but my favorite horror film is The Shining. I'd love to see a Hannibal mashup, maybe Hanni as the Grady Twins and Will as Danny Torrance? Or maybe Hanni as Jack and Will as Wendy? Or Will as Jack and Hanni as Lloyd?? Uhhhhhhnnnn the combinations are endless!!!


nsfw hannigram or johnlock having naughty fun with halloween candy


More of your monsters, please! It could be sfw or NSFW. Or another rare pair you don't get to draw often. I love seeing those.


*le gasp* How dare you say Event Horizon is a BAD horror movie! 😉


i think i've requested this before, but i'll mention it again cuz it's perfect for halloweentime! monster fucking with drarry? specifically, if you want to try to make up your own half-human, half-veela draco anatomy. even throw in some ABO if you're feeling it &lt;3


Have you seen The Ritual on Netflix? It has one of the best creature designs I’ve ever seen in a horror movie. It’s pretty fucking incredible and would really well with a Hannibal AU.


Destiel! Or I’d love to see Centaur/Cervitaur Hannigram, that would be awesome 💙


This is so perfectly hilarious and bizarre and totally in character for Hannibal 👍👍👍 good work 😂


I loved your mythology art with Theseus and the Minotaur! Do you have any other Greek myth pairings you want to draw? NSFW. Let your mind run free my friend!


Can I plead 'it's my birthday'? Hey, any given month, odds are it's 1/12 of everyone's! I'd love to see Hannibal and Will presenting each other with incredibly touching and possibly gory and/or warped gifts. Preferably SFW, but could be either.


Something SFW and humorous... Maybe an Outlast Trick or Treat night with Waylon and Eddie?


Oooh, I like the idea of zodiac-inspired characters. It could be really cool for original monster characters, one for each sign. I can see a calendar in the future 🤩


Spideypool au where Peter is a spidery monster and Wade is his loving mate (or victim, whichever!)


Hannibal dressing up in a ridiculous/ made of humans costume and Will just being disappointed lol.


Hannigram with Hannibal as the Headless Horseman and Will as Icabod Crane.


maybe season 4 era Hannigram?


I'd really love to see the reverend and the devil again, just anything with them would be nice !

Tempestt Parham

I would love to see a Halloween Drarry! Harry as the insane or very much into his title of master of death. Draco is his lover and servant to Harry being a soul collector....i want to see a scene here Draco is trying to collect a soul and Harry can't keep his hands and mouth to himself from Draco making it hard for him to concentrate. SFW or NSFW...i love both ideas and wonder what it will look like!


Thilbo taking Frodo out trick-or-treating

Aunt Kwan

I'd love to see the classic monsters being pampered or given gifts instead of chased with pitchforks. Maybe someone's giving the Wolfman a perm, or the Creature from the Black Lagoon gets a floaty noodle to play with, or there's a flower crown for the Frankenstein Monster &amp; he's blushing because he's feeling all purdy….things along those lines. ^_^

Furia and Mimma

Werewolf!Will (or Werewolf!Hannibal... or both) because, you know, Halloween is approaching ;) Werewolf + Hannibal + Halloween is one of our fav things ever. SFW, please? Or with gore/blood. A lot of blood.

Da Manki

Castiel in a sexy angel outfit angry fucking Dean in a devil onesie for making him wear a blasphemy for a pagan celebration please

Da Manki

hellblazer Constantine summoning ritual gone wrong..with tentacles galore?


Spiderman and Deadpool in civilian clothes on a date (something like hotdog or chinese food on a rooftop or walk on the street)


im thinking johnlock and hannigram shenanigans? where everybody's on a group date, but originally john is dating will and sherlock is dating hannibal XD thanks!


A snapshot of an intimate moment of Bilbo and Thorin; like Bilbo showing Thorin how to grow veg for the first time, or Thorin serenading Bilbo with a dwarven love song, or them just simply holding each other post Battle of the Five Armies- both happy that the other is alive. Thank you :)


Halloween fun with the Snek family? Or just the mythology AU boys in general because they’re so well designed!


What about supernatural style hunter will and Hannibal is the kelpie that’s been dragging people in the local stream he liked to fish in?


bride waylon from the cabin au power topping eddie or luring him back to their rooms after Eddie cuts up a slut outside. *waylon wearing a slip of a nightgown and his wedding garter leg exposed and running so eddie chases him


Or merman waylon luring sailor eddie off the boat by singing and keeping him in a underwater access only grotto cave with air that has shallow pools for sex/companionship.


Have you ever done something NSFW with uruk-hai? Maybe two scouts letting of some steam or lurtz with a captured member of the fellowship?


Not sure if you're a game of thrones fan buuuut Ramsay Bolton and Theon Greyjoy. Aka Thramsay from the hellpit that is my addiction to increasingly unhealthy ships. Ramsay is just so sadistic and Theon is so soft. So extreme feminization, knife play, suspension bondage, an obviously used Theon would be nice. BONUS INCLUSIONS: Cummy butthole/thighs, bruises on his hips and or neck, bite marks, feel good tears, period appropriate women's under clothes.


Dragon Age Fenris and/or Solas dressed as a Wolf for Halloween, please. =)


Well I'm a massive slut for Hannigram and Weddies ABO.Wanderingquill suggested, a Waylon mermaid having sexy times with sailor Eddie in caves


I wasn't quite ready to post that but whatever, i think you get the general idea lol


How about a Gladiator AU with Hannibal as Commodus and Will as Maximus down in the pit just before their final fight in a echo of Mizumono. Feel free to character swap if it inspires you!


Hannibal and Will trick r treating with Abigail a la coffee shop au. But twist! The proud fathers are actual monsters watching out for their human daughter, and are quite displeased when some households don't quite have the Halloween spirit. Cue blood bath. I'm flexible as to what kind of monsters, but would appreciated some large gnarly teeth.

Megan Noone

God this is probably gonna be lost in all this mess but, October is my birthday month so what the hell! I’m head-over-heals in love with Witch!Will’s design from The Black Lamb. So a doodle of him doing some spooky, dark black magic would be killer. Hannibal can be there too but that’s up to you. Bonus points if you can work in some raven-stag imagery in there!


If you draw Stucky, I’d love some Werewolf!Cap (since that happened in the comics) and human Bucky - extra love if this involves some knotting and any other werewolf (or abo, if you want to go that route) tropes you want to include! &lt;3


I would actually love to see YOUR favorite ships Dawn in Halloween costumes


I'm a huge fan of One Piece, something with Zoro and Sanji (after the 2 years) Maybe a Vampire Sanji reacting to a to sexy costume on Zoro. 😘


Has anyone requested Adam's Family au of a pair you like, yet? Cause I feel this needs to happen. Imagine Hannibal laying it on extra thick as Gomez, or hilariously Will being Gomez and just ...trying. It's perfect in his head but he opens his mouth and it's like Uncle Fester took control of his tongue. XD

Christie Fisher

Since Adventure Time ended maybe Prince Gumball and Marshall Lee?


Let's celebrate Halloween and also make a particular author salty with more Interview With The Vampire art! Especially since you know Lestat takes full advantage of Halloween by dressing as ostentatiously as possible in this modern age.


Some of the avengers in the sexy/slutty versions of their outfits


hannigram/addams family! i could see Will being an Addams from his mother's side. So Morticia&amp;Gomez welcoming "cousin" Will and his gentleman husband (and their daughter, too) to the family would be nice!


Oooof wow I’m late this month! Sorry about that, but I would love to see some more Harringrove (Steve/Billy) from you! If you’re feeling more SFW, maybe like a first date or a 10 years later au? If you’re feeling NSFW....well, bottom!Billy is always a treat. Thanks!


Are you looking forward to the upcoming Bill and Ted movie? I had such a crush on Alex Winter when I was a teen. His big anime eyes got me. Anyways, how about some Bill/Ted, as cute and/or dirty as you'd like.