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Esh you are a detECTIVE

Copy pasting this from my other posts this week: I've only been able to complete single pages for all comic updates this week due to that traveling I mentioned. I'm hoping I will be able to finish the missing pages for next week's updates so that we don't end up short on pages for the month. Thanks for your patience!




*illuminati music*

Sharon Barela

Gee Esh maybe he’s a real psychic - psychic. XD


God damnit Esh lol


I love this. I love how this struggle was handled in the dialogue.


I love his little shug


The page isn't showing up for me. Only half of it is :/


Hi, I don't see any issues with it on my end; can you try a cache clear and refresh? You can also try clicking and viewing the image in a separate window to see if you can get it to load. I'm not sure what else the issue could be :(


C'mon, Esh. Use your noodle, bub. No, the OTHER noodle. ;p

Isa Arsén

Jonah has good taste, I have that same hoodie!!!!