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Hey everyone!

Just letting you all know, I am going to be traveling this week and next week for a family trip. I'm not entirely certain how this is going to affect my work time, and so I'm not certain how this will affect my update schedule.

I have this week's pages completed and they will be queued up to post as normal, but I don't have the next two week's pages completed yet. I will keep you all updated if I end up having to postpone any updates.

Also, I still have a small group of preorder doodles that I have not completed. I think I will have to save them until I return from my trip, which ends on the 21st, so I should be able to get those to you by the end of the month.

Thanks everyone for your patience!



Enjoy your trip and safe travels!


Have fun and be safe


Have fun! Be safe! 😀


Enjoy your trip!


Have a wonderful time! ❤️


Have a wonderful time!


A question about pre-order doodles! I ordered my copy of the book on february 15th, but it hasn't arrived yet. Is it too late for me to request a sketch when it finally gets here? I understand that you're busy and can't keep doing these sketches forever. x)


It's not too late! I know international shipping to some countries can take awhile so I'm trying not to cut it off too early. I might close it out at the end of the month, so hopefully that will let everyone in who wants in :)


Don't worry, traveling is a lot of work so take care!!