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Hey all! I'll be doing November's Doodle Day next week, so please drop your prompts here! If you're new to my Patreon or haven't read through these in awhile, please check out the info on how it works and a few restrictions below! Otherwise, you know the drill :))


Just an update on how it works; you can submit prompt ideas to this post for a week; next Monday I'll select the most popular prompts as well as ones I personally find interesting and I'll draw as many as I can in one day (which is usually between 6 and 8). Then I'll post them throughout the day on Tuesday :) 

A note on prompt selection: I don't look at names or have any preference towards any particular people in this process. I do show preference on the kinds of things I like to draw and which prompts get upvoted the most. So this isn't the kind of thing where everyone will eventually get one, just because, it's not going to be possible. But I hope I do make stuff that you all enjoy :))


  • I don't do heterosexual stuff, and I don't do NSFW f/f stuff; this is just not my bag; I also don't really ship a lot of f/f so it would be really rare of me to do it. I'm also not interested in drawing incest or underage stuff.
  • I don't really want to do drawings for stuff I haven't actually seen yet; my only exceptions are things like the Madancy AUs, so if it's like, an AU of something I know but borrowing that universe, that's fine :) 
  • Please keep in mind that these are doodles, which means I don't let myself spend more than an hour on each one, so I can't do very complicated things with them. There's always some really good detailed prompts every week but I know would have taken me too long to get them right, so I had to pass on them :(
  •  It also helps if your prompt is a little more specific, rather than just "more hannigram gamer au" and stuff like that. The idea of a good prompt is you are trying to put an image in my head that I can't resist drawing, but still gives me flexibility to interpret it my own way; if you're just asking for more of something I've drawn before, it's on me to put that picture in my own head, and it's not very motivating.
  • A couple things I already know I'm not going to draw are: pairings that interfere with a pairing I prefer (ex. Will/Chilton, McKirk, etc, it's just not my bag), SpaceDogs (nothing against it, it just hasn't clicked for me yet), Overcoming fanart (it's still a WIP and I've been burned too many times with WIPs so maybe ask when it's done lol), Kingsman, Dream Daddy, Peter/Yondu (again nothing against it, I just really like the pure dad/son relationship =w=;; ), and NSFW of TAZ. I'm also really not keen on doing anymore Sherlock/Hannibal crossovers for awhile since the Coffee AU is kind of wearing me out on that front. There's certainly always a chance I'll change my mind in the future on some of these though! (For example, I don't wanna draw DD because I just haven't played DD yet, but maybe someday lol)

Consider looking through the other prompts people submit and upvoting the ones you like! I'm trying to take that into account more for at least one or two of my choices so you could get me to do something I wouldn't normally pick if a lot of people vote for it hehe~ Click the heart beside a post to upvote it~

If you want to ask for something but aren't sure if it's my jam, feel free to message me and ask about it first, or just ask me for a response in the thread; if I say I'm probably not going to draw it then you can feel free to ask for something else :)

Thanks everyone!!



More Gamer AU❤️❤️❤️ pretty please.


Hey, it’s my birthday today!! So if you wanna make a girl’s birthday wishes come true... If you’ve seen Yuri on Ice I’d really like to see something with Yuri/Otabek. If you haven’t or you just don’t ship them then I’d really like to see some tooth rottingly sweet Kirk/Spock.


Maybe more specifically, gamer AU: Cosplay edition. Could be at a convention or a private affair!!


Thanksgiving for your Outlast pairing.


Mindhunter! I’ve managed to power through the entire season in about 48 hrs. I’m loving it. Maybe something with Holden Ford? But all the characters are so intriguing~ Or maybe some more Hannibal/Will? Can’t get enough of them. Perhaps Hannibal is an artist and he gets Will to pose for him then things get interesting?


What about Hannigram, where they are still kids or at least Will is. They don't know each other personally but they saw each other before. Well is aware of him like the colleague kid who is used to draw at park. And Hannibal know him like the kid who is always alone and gave cuts and scratches but doesn't care. And then someday when Hannibal is at park, somebody is trying to rob him and even though he doesn't need help Will is there and beating the person as much as he can. Which looks silly because he is very young. Oh my, that was quite long... :-D


Surprise me.


Thor being his godly self 👌🏻


I second Ridic... tooth rottingly sweet Kirk/Spock... But I'll go so far as to give you a brain picture... TOS. Some much needed r&r together (maybe in a late night observation deck). They were supposed to be playing chess, or something, but they just got caught up in each other due to a rare quiet moment alone. Super sleepy cuddles ensue...? ...But really, anything would be appreciated... Can't wait to see everything you come up with!

Eli Grant

This might be a little out there, but do you know the 'centaur kiss' painting by Georges Leonnec? I think that could look really cool in your style, maybe as a hannigram thing. I'm just kind of captivated by that pose personally! Here's a link to the painting if you don't know what I'm talking about: <a href="https://images.curiator.com/images/t_x/art/hestfjlufrnq2h5ky6sv/georges-leonnec-centaur-kiss-cover-for-la-vie-parisienne-1924.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://images.curiator.com/images/t_x/art/hestfjlufrnq2h5ky6sv/georges-leonnec-centaur-kiss-cover-for-la-vie-parisienne-1924.jpg</a>


Id really love to see more A/O/B Hannigram Specifically from the fanfic Wage your War. It’s long but it’s really good. Omega Will basically knowing right away who/what Hannibal and manipulating him instead of the other way around <a href="http://archiveofourown.org/works/1416355?view_full_work=true" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://archiveofourown.org/works/1416355?view_full_work=true</a>


Hilson, eating out somewhere fancy. With wine, extravagant sea food, suits, fruit, everything delicious and House driving Wilson mad with how much he knows about the particular wine or whatever. Being impressive and sexy and civil for once hahaha


Anything Tristhad would make me happy. :3


After re-reading “Kill and Eat” a part of me would love to see a snapshot of Will letting Hannibal back in. (Physically or emotionally) It would be super emotional to see that intimate moment.


Hannigram in a stranger things AU.

Christine Tweddle

Hannibal showing Will his ‘unique’ and ‘handmade’ Christmas decorations (edible by Hannibal standards)


Bilbo and thorin having some naked fun outdoors at a lake, believing themselves to be alone....


Monty Python - Paleese maybe as Officer and the guy who lost his wallet asking "do you want to come back to my place?", so to say the sequel to the sketch itself. &lt;3


Hannigram, specifically something based on the fic Shark Tank? It’s a prison AU, where Will was sent to prison and had never met Hannibal, who’s in prison on murder charges. It’s a pretty emotional fic and I’d recommend it if you had time to read it. <a href="http://archiveofourown.org/works/1510121/chapters/3190331" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://archiveofourown.org/works/1510121/chapters/3190331</a>

Tempestt Parham

Anything Drarry..... I'm thinking sneaking into a dark secluded place for some fun.


I'd love a Kill Bill/hannigram crossover *_* specifically Will being Beatrice/The Bride and Hannibal being Bill. That would be a dream come trueeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


American gods: Shadow Moon waking up naked being spooned by Leprecaun in bed


I'm saddened by the lack of Johnlock requests :( They still love each other! Johnlock in a magic AU. Could be spells and potions, magic circles, or a random Doctor Strange crossover. OR more from A Study In Black 😍 **P.S. Love the books I ordered! Thank you!!!**


My guilty pleasure is also Waylon x Gluskin, so how about a Normal!AU? Me and my gf joke Gluskin would make a fantastic wedding consultant.


Hannigram with Will as Dionysus and Hannibal as Freyr. I just love the thought of those two as Gods of virility/fertility gods 😍

Nola Winters

I would LOVE to see some NSFW Spock/Kirk. I have two ideas 1: Set in the coffee shop au where Kirk is trying to distract his adorable boyfriend from doing his studies with his oral skills or a striptease? 2: One with Prime!Spock and AU!Spock going through Pon Farr with AU!Kirk


I know you are just finishing up your Mocha story with Drarry, but I would love to see Draco sitting in Molly Weasley's kitchen surrounded by gingers haha looking supremely uncomfortable with Harry holding his hand under the table.


Some Dirty Drarry please? Maybe they're in the Room of Requirement and nervously keep looking around to make sure they are not seen... Or maybe just Harry inside the bathtub in the Prefect's Bathroom having some alone time? Ooh, that sound's better actually.... By the way, the books are incredible. Thank you so much ❤


more of camille's hannistag? :) something in the wintery spirit, or just some good old fashion banging


Stranger Things!

Lady Er0n

How about a hannigram darkest dungeon crossover. Whether or not they are succumbing to stress is up to you


Shark Tank is first Hannigram fic I read! and it's still amazing - I'm rereading it again, actually. ^^; So, art from it would be supercool!


But still I would love some Cat!lock :3 maybe something in rain? Or reversed, where the cat is John and doesn't mind when it's raining but Sherlock can't stand it even thought he is human?


Or some Pharaoh Hannibal? :-D


Drarry pokemon au. Harry and Draco keep encountering each other outside of gyms and rather than battle the gym leaders they end up battling against each other.


Some Goblin King Johnlock. A good ol Labyrinth AU. I need more of that in my life.

Lady Er0n

Divinity original sin 2? The elves in that game are cannibals. Which is perfect for hanni

Ether Z

Hannibal: THE BALLET. Will is a magnificent dancer, famous for his ability to portray the true essence of the character he play. He is grace and passion personified, but outside the stage he becomes a insufferable, unfriendly, loner and feral piece of shit. Now, meet Hannibal, god of technique. He is perfection himself. Charming beyond compare and a world-class dancer who loves high class parties. So long story short, they hate each other...but love hits you when you least expect it and, when they have to work together on a duet, it hit them HARD. I had this idea watching the splendid duet between Roberto Bolle and Timofej Andrijashenko (<a href="http://www.rai.it/dl/RaiTV/programmi/media/ContentItem-4e8b62d1-feb8-4181-8539-73b31657123d.html)" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.rai.it/dl/RaiTV/programmi/media/ContentItem-4e8b62d1-feb8-4181-8539-73b31657123d.html)</a> , this is ART.

Lady Er0n

A happy ending for kaecilius or Galen? (This is my last prompt. I won't bother you anymore on this post)


Hannibal and His Dark Materials. I think it would be really cool to see Hannibal and Will with their daemons (the physical animal manifestation of a person’s soul.) I would love to see Will get embarrassed when their daemons start cuddling.


Mmmmmmm I would love some Galen or Galennic even (not sure if it's your thing) but Mads as Galen deserves so much love he did great!


hannigram as fallen angels. maybe one's lucifer or they're both just middling bad ones. the point is, i want wings. beautiful wings everywhere. and gratuitous nudity. and some face fucking for the aesthetics.


hannigram + shibari (!!!) don't care who's tied up, just make it kinky please


Totally cool if you're not into it. But I would love to see some FrostIron (Loki/Tony Stark). Maybe them having a secret Tryst with the Avengers in the other room


Hannibal &amp; Will as Jareth and Sara from the Labyrinth. (Not necessarily the ballroom sequence, but ehhh, do what you want.) &lt;3


I kinda want to see a TAZ thanksgiving, but especially Angus dressed up as a turkey.


Sweet Bear dressed in a Mario costume


Eddie/Waylon that takes place outside of the asylum such as meeting for the first time, or their first "date" (Waylon getting stalked or kidnapped). &lt;3 &lt;3 &lt;3


I would love something with Hannibal and Will in the act of eating...what and how are up to you. C: a Thanksgiving theme would probably be appropriate, considering lol


That game is so scary 😖 and hard af. And yet so addicting


NSFW Shadow/Mr. Wednesday 😇

Meri B.

Maybe normalish, with a wedding/ holiday feast that is horrendous in the most fabulous outlast manner??

Ether Z

Steve and Billy from Stranger things 2? I heard they like to do it upside down 😏


I would love to see some quick but hot BJ between Will and Hannibal.... :D I imagine them going as a couple to an opera or a super classy dinner, where a suit is highly needed. Everyone is dressed fancy, and some rude person flirts with Hannibal. Will gets jealous (not to say possessive), and of course Hannibal notices it... ^^ He flirts back and Will becomes slightly angry at his beloved psychiatrist... So he pulls him off by the tie to the nearest bathroom, drags him in a very small toilet, shoves him against the wall and gives him an incredible but very spontaneous quick blowjob, to show him who the boss is. :D Something tells me that Hannibal maybe premeditated this... Thanks Reapersun! &lt;3


Will or Hannibal in the thermal straps from fifth element c:


Some stony fluff? Maybe the other avengers being tired of seeing them flirt every godamn minute of the day


I second both of these, especially the Pon Farr one