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Hello everyone!

It’s been a while since the last report. We hope you are all ok and having a great summer. We on our side, are already working on the next version for the Arena (no summer for us, except the heat XD).

Mr.Versus got the design for the new mission ready and it’s now busy with the blocking of it. This one more than ever will be very focused on the main mechanic this new release is about.

I, for one, am working on the main mechanic mentioned before. This one takes a bit of time specially the first part of it, which includes fixing and polishing some existing animations to adapt them for their new purpose.

We also found, thanks to one supporter that there seems to be a glitch with the weapon upgrade system that will try and get addressed for this next version. The glitch basically is that if you upgraded any parameter in the 0.8.X version and then you swap to the revision 1, those upgraded parameters, even if shown as upgraded in the menu, won’t be upgraded during gameplay.

The easy fix for this for now is to:

Do not upgrade anything in 0.8.194 but only on 0.8.194-Rev.1 instead (but I know that’s hard not to happen, because who would wait for the revision release if money was already available to upgrade them ^^’).

If you already had any parameter upgraded, just upgrade that parameter once again to the next level and it should work again.

The, for now, unsolvable glitch is in the case you had already maxed out a parameter, which in that case it won’t allow you to upgrade that parameter again. In this case, you can only do two things: 1 – wait for the new version or 2 – backup you save files and delete them and that will start from scratch but you know, you won’t have anything unlocked, etc. So, I’d say it’s better wait in that case.

Another supporter also reported some bug related to the unlockables not being unlocked. I’ve been unable to test that as of yet. The requirements for unlocking haven’t change at all, so maybe I screwed something up with new “checkpoint system”. But would be cool if you guys also noticed this to let me know, so I’m totally sure it’s not an isolated case.

And with that said, it’s time to get back to work. I kept waiting for some comments/reports on performance in mission 9 but got only one from a friend (and supporter) saying it ran perfectly, so we’ll assume that’s the case for everyone else and we now have some reference to know the limits on size and enemy qty per level for the real game.

See ya soon!

Much love <3 everyone!



Please, check this info before asking. Most of the questions (that commonly are: 'where are the fantasy cards?, 'release dates', 'I have problems with Fantasy Cards', ...) are solved within these links.

From now on we're not answering any questions already solved there. Is very tiresome and time consuming to be answering the same question over and over again every day. So if you don't get a personal answer to your questions is because the answer is on those links, so don't take it personal.

This text and the links below will be published in every post (so there can be no excuses not to see the links).

The Fantasy Card System and how it works!

The Fantasy Card System FAQ

PROJECT LIST ->> Links to downloads, Fantasy Cards, Guides and other stuff

FAQ ->> Answers to most common questions are here!

Bioasshard FAQ ->> FAQ section dedicated specifically to Bioasshard

Much love <3 everyone!

-Versus X Studio team (Mr.VersusX and Meguido)



I know this is a stupid question but during the sexattacks a lot of the body area seems dark unless you adjust it to where it’s most brightest area in the level, will this be adjusted or able to be adjusted down the road? I have it set to high because that works best for my PC set up but a lot of times the scenes are dark.


We haven't noticed that problem if you have any capture of the problem (video or image) it'll help.