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Hello everyone!

Status report this time.

I really did want to bring better news for this one, but it’s taking a looong time to get this new level ready. It’s taking me ages to convert every BSP (let’s call’em the meshes used to make the blocking on levels but that are very much unoptimized and you’ll want to convert them to real static meshes) to static meshes.

Why it’s taking me this much? Well basically because I’m making it mesh by mesh, especially for the walls; wall by wall…

Due to the Sexttack system, you know the camera make transparent any object that gets in the middle between the view and the characters, and if you noticed (I’m sure you will because it was pretty noticeable) in mission 7 (the one for the item box and the detectors) every time a wall had to become transparent, the whole level did, making it look pretty bad. And that happened because every BSP brush was converted to a one big static mesh with all the walls in it.

So, to avoid that, I’m forced to convert every wall, ceiling, floor, etc. to individual static meshes. And this is basically what’s taking me so long to get you the good news ☹

Good thing is that I’m getting closer to the end of that tedious process, so let’s trust that the next report, will be a better one.

Other than that, I’m liking the design of this new level a lot. Here you have something to look at -but keep in mind the lighting is not yet built-:

See ya in the next report!


Please, check this info before asking. Most of the questions (that commonly are: 'where are the fantasy cards?, 'release dates', 'I have problems with Fantasy Cards', ...) are solved within these links.

From now on we're not answering any questions already solved there. Is very tiresome and time consuming to be answering the same question over and over again every day. So if you don't get a personal answer to your questions is because the answer is on those links, so don't take it personal.

This text and the links below will be published in every post starting today (so there can be no excuses not to see the links).

The Fantasy Card System and how it works!

The Fantasy Card System FAQ

PROJECT LIST ->> Links to downloads, Fantasy Cards, Guides and other stuff

FAQ ->> Answers to most common questions are here!

Bioasshard FAQ ->> FAQ section dedicated specifically to Bioasshard

See ya in the next report!

Much love <3 everyone!



Moka Lovecraft

Looking sensational! Take your time, better to have quality overall than a rushed project that will need constant patching


How long will it take? I'm looking forward to it