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Hi Patrons!

Today we're here to confirm some things about Punished Mai:

  • Number of Chapters: Finally, we have finished the basic timeline for the game and with that done we can say that the number of charters will be: 5. So this means that we're in the middle of the road right now.
  • Different Endings: We can also confirm that the game will have multiple endings. The exact number is unknown but would be around 4 or 5 different endings.
  • New Game +: This is a common feature in horror games so we think that would be really nice to include it on Punished Mai. With New Game + you can play the game again preserving things like level, weapons, etc. This make a second playthrough, to see the other endings, much easier.

And that's all for now.

We're working hard on Chapter 3 (and on the other projects too).

Regards. <3


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