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Hello everyone!

We’re finally back on business (well, we actually started getting back a few days after the past mini-report).

First thing I want to say is that we’re finally feeling better and want to thanks all the people who sent comments and messages with positive feelings/energy wishing us a fast recovery: Thank you very much <3

This gonna be a short report as well, basically because even if we’ve been making progress, the progress itself it’s very focused since it’s all related to the new type of control rig for the Boss. This has been a task of so much investigation, learning, putting to practice, adapting, learning again, different ways of making the same stuff, different approaches, until finding the “perfect” combination (for me at least, probably a pro in this area would have a different and personal approach, but since we couldn’t find one and I had to take care of everything about the Boss myself)…

Remember the last screenshot Saturday? Well, that’s just a small part of all the setup I’m working on for the Boss (yeah, there are tons and tons of Node editor windows full of similar node structures xD). I’ll still need a couple or three days more to finish the setup and finally being able to get to making the actual animations. It’s hard to explain that setup or why there’re so many nodes necessary for it without showing the Boss, but since it has to be a surprise, all I can say is, you’ll understand when you can finally see it.

I have to say that I feel really bad about all this, not for me, (because I’m learning a lot of stuff I never expected to learn, and as they say, the more you know/learn the better,) but for you guys, because of the time this new version is taking to be ready. Another good thing this learning had is that part of this setup can and will be used for the average enemies as well (obviously not for this version but for the future). I wish we could have find someone (pro modeler-rigger-animator) to have taken care of all this huge part, but we couldn’t, so there’s nothing else we can do that just take the torch (well, a torch that we never get to drop tbh xD) and make it all ourselves.

I sincerely apologize for this extra time it’s taking, but I hope it’ll be worth it, not only for the next version but for all the future development.

Thank you everyone for being there and for supporting us.

And this will be it for now.

Please make sure to take care and stay safe <3

See ya in the next report.



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