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Hello everyone!

Dev report time.

This time with a weird and short one.

Weird not because we didn’t progress, because we did, but because it’s hard to explain what we did when it’s a surprise xD.

Anyways, in the last report I said I was starting with the last task and that this one along with the stuff what we’re “tele-co-working” would be everything left for the next release, remember?

Well, the last task took me about a week, but it’s now done (yay!) and on the stuff we’re both working, we made good progress on, but didn’t finish it yet.

I can’t explain what we’re making without spoiling what this is, so please bear with me. I just can tell that you’ll like it.

We’re now closer than ever to the next release.

I wanted to say that June 7th was getting closer and would have mean the return to normality… in our work at least, but thanks to our… “government” we won’t be able to do so, unless until near the end of this month. This means that we’ll have to finish the stuff we’re doing entirely on “tele-co-working” (we’re getting used to it anyway lol).

And that’s it. See? That’s why I said it’s weird and short. Seems like we didn’t progress much when it’s more like the total opposite.

Please, make sure to take care and stay safe! <3

See ya in the next report.

Any Question? Check this post! => General Info - MUST READ




Hmm i like suprises... xO can´t wait to see some of your progress my dudes. Stay safe and have a good time.

Raiden 83

Can´t wait to se what the suprise thing is :)