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Hello everyone!

Posting in two consecutive days?!” 

Yeah! this is a new post to talk about the next Bioasshard release.

Have you seen the Bioasshard trailer already?

No? Ok, look at this if you are a Patron and here ( hxxps://versusxstudio (dot) blogspot (dot) com/2019/07/trailer-and (dot) html ) if you are not.

Have you saw it until the end?...

Yeah, we finally have release dates for the next version.

RELEASE DATES (outdated)

Here are again the release dates so you can see them easily ^^

Finally, the time has come!

But before the release there are some things we need to talk/inform about.


Some of this are stuff that we already discussed but we’re going to repeat this for new people.

An extra clarification on the numeration and the version we’re releasing: 

-This is still the Arena version of Bioasshard, so don’t expect story content or CG-related adult content yet on it. This is just pure gameplay-based release. (For newcomers, you have a prequel in form of a comic, available here)

-And about the 0.1.0 it IS 0.1.0, not 1.0, not 0.10, but 0.1.0. With this said, don’t get this number just like you would do with any other game dev process. This works differently: this is not a beta, not an alpha but a “complete product” of what we want to show for this version specifically. This may be confusing but just to try and clarify it, we separated the mechanics necessaries for this game in versions like this 0.X.Y. X is for every big release with new mechanics added to it, while Y is just bugfixes. We don’t necessarily have to go through every number in X to reach the 1.0.0 version of the Arena (so don’t need to panic, there’s not 9 versions yet to reach the 1.0.0).

As we put on our main Patreon page: “If you're going to support us take this into account: We're slow, very slow so don't expect a release every month.”

This doesn’t mean that we’re procrastinating, canceling the projects (without announcing it), running with the money (when there is no money to run with XD) or making “excuses of failures” as we’ve been able to read during all this time… now I’m wondering where is all this people hiding… meh I don’t give a shit about that lol.

We (VXS) are (and will be) working on a multi-project basis as we did during all our lives as ‘creators’ since we started doing private projects, then with public SFW projects and now with VXS projects. with the exception of the time where we were working on Punished Mai, so please try to avoid suggesting us to “focus on just one project”.

We aren’t very communicative… Well, sometimes is not too easy to be talking to people when you’re working 7 days a week with these conditions ($) and the only thing we get are just untrusthy critiques, pressures and spreaded lies, so yeah, sometimes we’re no very “communicative”.

But this doesn’t mean that we’ve been silent for months… We publish at least a couple of dev reports per month, and screenshot Saturday and we’ve already made more than 13 releases of different projects during this year… so yeah, I think that we aren’t silent at all.

Some things about the Bioasshard trailer:

-We’ve seen a pretty good reaction from the trailer so far, but let me tell you this before you get the wrong idea. This is still a work in progress game, it’s far (a lot) from perfect. It still has it’s problems and probably bugs (take a look at the KNOWN BUGS section).

-All the stuff on the trailer is stuff from the next release (please read: THE LOG-IN SCREEN and REWARDS AND UNLOCKABLES) there is no fake stuff there or things for future releases. This release is an all or nothing one ^^

-Obviously the trailer is action packed so you can expect a slower paced gameplay, except for some area hahaha

-The game isn’t perfect and is missing some secondary gameplay stuff (still in development) but it’s pretty solid, much better than the old V0.0.3 and maybe at the level of some other ‘thousand-dollars-making-NSFW-3D-games’ out there.

-With that said there is a ‘message’ on the trailer (pay attention to it the text is not only to decorate): ‘We have worked really hard, loosing time, money (to buy stuff for the game) and even the health on the process and now it’s the time to reap the rewards’. 

So, with this said, now it’s your turn to show how you want to support this project. We won’t act as fools and say we don’t want you to pledge to us, that would be false modesty and on top of all we want to be honest. Words are cool in terms of giving us strength and energy but we can’t live by just pretty words. With that said we, of course know, that not everyone can/want spend their money on us and that’s perfectly fine but please, and I mean PLEASE, help us at least by spreading the word everywhere about this. Share the trailer everywhere (not to capcom obviously lol) with everyone. Thank you very much!


No more log-in system!


So, as you may have noticed during the trailer, Julia is not always “the same”. So yeah those are the unlockables. The rewards we want to give to our supporters.

There’s different hair looks and there’s different outfits you can unlock and “equip” at the start of a playthrough.

Even if they’re reward, we wanted to give it a “locked” status, just to give it more re-playability. This way you have to meet some requirements to unlock every unlockable.

This said, there’s an extra outfit only unlockable for our beloved Fox Patrons: 

And this one is unlocked by just logging in, so you can enjoy in your first playthrough.

Another of the rewards is the ability to change Julia’s name to whatever you want in game. So maybe you can go back to the “old” name if you want xD.

With this explained, I’ll point out how these rewards work for the different tiers and the public version:

· Fox Patrons: Have access to all the unlockables + the change name option + the exclusive outfit already mentioned

· Hound Patrons: Have access to all the unlockables + the change name option

· Eagle Patrons: Have access to all the unlockables + the change name option

· Pigeon: The change name option + You can get a random look every time you play

· Public: You get a random look when you start playing


This may be a long one, so be warned lol.

To get started it was mentioned that this next version would take longer times than the previous 0.0.2 and 0.0.3 but we didn’t expect THAT MUCH. The main problem was, me, trying to learn something that’s beyond my knowledge and making a *perfect* Julia new model.

Months started to pass by with me watching tutorials and trying one time after another to achieve everything I wanted for this new model. Every time it ended in a no-way-to-fix-for-me bugs.

When I realized it was too much for me, it already had taken almost 7 months of time, a time lost. So with that much time taken, I took the little I learned and just improved the old a model a bit (by the way, for those wondering, no, the model is not pirated from any of the games, but a daz model with morphs in the face made by me to try and look like the original… “Julia” y’kno xD). So that’s what I did, and it took quite some time too but a lot lesser and this time making progress every time.

Another thing that took many, many weeks, was the new enemies. I wasn’t happy with the old ones and because I had to make so many new animations for it, the correct decision (I believe) was to make the new enemies’ models instead of making the animations for the old one and then later on, remake them for the new enemies.

Then, the article 13 (EU's new copyright law) got approved, and scared of what this could result for us, we gave ourselves the hard task of remaking lots of the gameplay systems to avoid being *that* similar to the game it parodies. This was like starting from scratch in a lot of fields and as you can guess it took A LOT of time to get everything working.

And to end this section (just to expand you can just take a look at the changelog to get a grasp of the rest of what’ve been working), the new area also took a lot of the time. In an old post, we said and thanked Candiru sent us a GPU that allowed us to use UE4 on the other machine… but then we didn’t talk about that anymore, because it was a very big fail in our end. We found no way to get Perforce working for us to share the project so we could both work on it. Perforce gave a lot of troubles to the point it stopped working (just my luck -.-). So, we ended just like at the beginning, having to work in just one PC, this made the work on the new area a lot slower than what we expected. It also gave some performance problems and forced us to make up to three versions of the new area. And yeah, finally we ended up splitting it up into two different areas, just to make things simpler.

That’s it.

But even if this is not related to this section, it’s something I want to warn everyone about and it’s something about the stuff I mentioned that’s necessary to play the game. We chose a release date on the of this month and didn’t take into account that people wanting to play asap would pledge now, at the end of a month, causing that in a few days Patreon will start the pledge processing again and making you guys to pay two times in such a close period. The reason for the release date is because we wanted to release it this month no matter what. We took too much time for this version, so we put this month as limit.

We’re deeply sorry about that, specially for the ones who already pledged or edited their pledge…

For the rest out there, reading this and planning to pledge, maybe you better want to wait to around 3rd August when Patreon won’t get money from you twice.


Mr.Versus X back from here. 

Well as the trailer says there are more than 110 changes for this version so here is the complete list of those changes so you can make an idea of one of the reasons why this release took so much time. Here is the full change log:

  1. New Julia model
  2. New Infected Male models
  3. New look for Julia
  4. New variety of clothes for Infected Males
  5. New Julia animations
  6. New Infected Male animations
  7. New enemy type: Cerberus (very early      implementation)
  8. 2 new playable areas
  9. New gameplay system
  10. New rotation system
  11. New camera system
  12. New AI system
  13. New enemy actions
  14. New key-zones damage system for enemies
  15. New shooting system
  16. New Sexttack system
  17. New Lighting system
  18. New VFX for damage
  19. New item type: 1st Aid Spray
  20. New item type: Green Herb
  21. New item type: Red Herb
  22. New inventory mechanic: Herbs combination
  23. New gameplay mechanic: Healing items usage
  24. New gameplay mechanic: Enemy grappling      system
  25. New gameplay mechanic: Drag system
  26. New LOD system for enemies including      different texture sizes and mipmaps
  27. New water shader: a lot simpler (a lot      less impact for GPUs) and better simulations
  28. New 2D graphics: The entire inventory      redone
  29. New 2D graphics: The HUD
  30. New 2D graphics: The key items section
  31. New 2D graphics: all the item icons redone
  32. New 2D graphics: all the keyitem icons      redone
  33. New 2D graphics: The entire character      personalization menu
  34. New 2D graphics: The entire login screen      menu
  35. New 2D graphics: New background picture      for the Results Screen
  36. New: Added Clothing damage system
  37. New: Added Clothing recovery system
  38. New: Added Checkpoint system
  39. New: Added a Change Name system
  40. New: Added a Character Personalization      system
  41. New: Added different hair looks for Julia      to unlock
  42. New: Added different outfits for Julia to      unlock
  43. New: Added placeholder voice clips
  44. New: Added movement while aiming
  45. New: Added a Music system controller
  46. New: Added an unlocking extras system
  47. New: Added Synch Markers to feet in all      animations to make Julia’s animation transitions smoother
  48. New: Added a gun in holster system with      visual representation
  49. New: Added a physics system for the      different clothes
  50. New: Added a feet IK system for Julia
  51. New: Added physics-controlled clothes
  52. New: Added physics-controlled hairs
  53. New: Added a total of 14 new Sexttack animations
  54. New: Added Julia’s stop running animation      transitions
  55. New: Added Julia’s footstep sounds for      every kind of surface
  56. New: Added Infected’s footstep sounds for      every kind of surface
  57. New: Added different kind of doors,      including a door that teleport to another Level
  58. New: Added the use of custom Nav-Links for      the enemies’ AI
  59. New: Added new enemy behaviors including      running, sprinting, jumping, …
  60. New: Added a new camera system for the      Sexttacks
  61. New: Wetness mask added for enemies’ gens
  62. New: Unlocked unlockables are saved so you      don’t have to unlock them every time
  63. Change: The disclaimer screen has been      updated
  64. Change: The ‘Get Key Item System’ has been      changed to look more like the normal items one and avoid visual and sound      glitches
  65. Change: Pressing a shortcut key pointing      an empty slot will make Julia to unequip the currently equipped item
  66. Change: Internal reorganization of      animation Blueprints for Julia and the Infected
  67. Change: Overridden the entire root motion      system with a curve-based speed and movement system
  68. Change: Deprecated the old      (future)-INI-configurable enemies with a new more accessible and easier      for us one
  69. Change: Deprecated the stamina system      which is now replaced with a WIP infection system
  70. Change: New material FX for enemies’ disintegration
  71. Change: Camera shakes now works in a      different way
  72. Change: The damage system has been      reworked; now Julia receives damage depending on enemy’s strength and      clothes’ condition
  73. Change: In Title Screen, change the old      Julia’s model with the new one along with its animations
  74. Change: The Sewer level has been changed      to implement a new ladder with a transition no the next level
  75. Change: Better music and background sounds      transitions
  76. Fix: The long loading times
  77. Fix: Made Julia to rotate to face the item      she’s going to get if it’s too far away to avoid extreme abdomen and arm      stretching
  78. Fix: Maintaining the fire button pressed      caused Julia to never be able again to shot or stab unless pressing the      aim button again
  79. Fix: Using a shortcut to equip an empty      slot cause Julia to re-equip the already equipped item playing the equip      animation again too
  80. Fix: The inventory appears totally      desaturated while it should be colored
  81. Fix: The Key Item icons appear in black      and white while they should be colored
  82. Fix: Enemies can’t move, just walking and      attacking in place
  83. Fix: Examining a door made Julia to turn      in the opposite direction
  84. Fix: LODs for the furniture in the Sewers      changed from 0 to 3 in an instant while Julia is still close to them
  85. Fix: Aiming while running cause Julia to start      walking but with the running speed
  86. Fix: While aiming in Caution or Danger      states Julia will still use the normal walking animations
  87. Fix: Movement animation speed while aiming      is not updated correctly
  88. Fix: After attacking (shooting or      stabbing) a few times consecutively, Julia bugs into the aiming pose and      stays in there forever
  89. Fix: Julia’s leg movement when rotating      while aiming is too fast
  90. Fix: Aiming the gun at down causes      clipping on Julia
  91. Fix: Aiming the knife at down causes      clipping on Julia
  92. Fix: The camera Pitch limit causes the      Julia’s left arm and left leg to clip
  93. Fix: The turn animation for Julia while      she’s in Idle is too fast
  94. Fix: The turn animation for Julia while      she’s moving is too slow
  95. Fix: Julia is making a “popping” movement      whenever the camera is rotated
  96. Fix: Julia’s stop aiming animations are      looking too much to the left
  97. Fix: Julia has a lot of foot-sliding      specially when walking
  98. Fix: Root Motion for animation Montages in      Enemies are scaled up
  99. Fix: Still using BSP in the Exterior Area
  100. Fix: Still using BSP in the Interior Area
  101. Fix: The walls in the Exterior Area are      too small
  102. Fix: The Cerberus has no LODs
  103. Fix: Two of Julia’s Hair Looks are using a      wrong material ID for their hair ribbon
  104. Fix: Bullet cases are colliding with the      Camera causing it to pop-out with every shot
  105. Fix: The building façade in the new      Exterior area has bad UVs
  106. Fix: Julia’s textures aren’t in the      correct “Texture Group”
  107. Fix: Julia’s scarf 2 has bad UVs
  108. Fix: After freeing from a grab, the camera      keeps shaking
  109. Fix: The disintegration FX on the enemies      aren’t applying to their clothes
  110. Fix: Getting grappled while in inventory      will cause it to remain visible always
  111. Fix: There’s too many Reflection captures      in the Sewer level causing low performance
  112. Fix: Having a key item in another slot      other than the first one is ignored and acts as if that key item wasn’t      there at all
  113. Fix: Trying to get a disappearing item      causes the UI and the interact mechanic to break and makes Julia unable to      interact again
  114. Fix: Making a big jump down (the one in      the Sewer level if getting down from the upper level) causes Julia to      reproduce the end animation immediately after the begin jump animation      instead of when reaching the ground below

The list could be bigger if we had separated all the stuff needed for every point… for example making the green herb needed programing, modeling the herb, painting the textures for it, the icon, the particles, Julia animation for using it, sound and putting all the stuff together on the UE4.


As mentioned above, this is still a wip so as such it has its bugs (and probably more than we didn’t noticed)

· In the Character customization screen, you can’t change the hair color (this one is not a bug but it’s disabled on purpose because it needs more time)

· If you enter a very long name for Julia, the UI part where the name is shown will get all stretched (try to avoid long names, more than 8/10 characters, for now)

· In some rare occasions an enemy can get stuck in wall or some furniture (this is probably caused after jumping)

· Sometimes the enemy acts too retarded and just stays in place waiting for his upcoming death (take it as a free kill for now lol)

· Sometimes after shooting an enemy he will fly to the floor just to end up in a basic stand up idle animation when he should end up lying in the floor

· Sometimes, specially right after an enemy jumped over an obstacle, when you shoot said enemy it will change his animation to laying on floor

· The Cerberus may enter berserk state making one attack just right after the other in a loop (don’t try to shoot him right away, try to runaway instead, then aim again, for now lol)

· There may be some enemies that don’t want to move, more like walking/running in place (this one is UE4’s navmesh system fault, not ours. Maybe someday will see a bug-free UE4 version… maybe someday)

 · The new Julia outfits may show many zones of clipping through (this is being worked on little by little, so please bear with us while we fix them)


During the upcoming days/weeks you may notice a bit of inactivity from us.

Well, we’re gonna take a mini-vacations after all this infernal year, to try and recover some health (like my right eye; with the new medical treatment I started for it that will have me almost KO for the nest few weeks) as well as having some personal free time. In any case we’ll be here for the releases and for any critical bug that may arise.

We’d also like to keep our releases on OiU: The F-Mission and OiU: The Case of T + for the next few months.

One last message from Meguido:

-Watch out and be careful with the big guy…

REMEMBER: The latest Poll is already running, so vote on it if you didn’t already!

See ya in the next post!

- General FAQ - Bioasshard FAQ - Project List - 

Regards <3



I'll try to scavenge some money so I can play the release on the 29th. I am taking a guess and say Cerberus is the zombie dog.


Sorry to ask, but... Is their any save game~ Feature~ that you can save a point in your game? So you can reload that point of the game at any time? I'm definitely putting money into this game, soon. Fox rules. I'm becoming one when it releases for the foxes!!


I'm a #Fox# now. =).You guys deserve it. cant wait for the release date. Thumbs up This Game. Just hoping For a Save Game Feature*. Hate Starting Over. Just Saying. Lol


you did a great job guys. and i support youre work in the future too with the fox patreon! " yeah savegame would been great but i think you put that in the story mode?"


Awesome to get a chance to see just what all's been added, changed, and more to the game since the last release! Definitely looking forward to playing it, and will likely be going Fox the start of August so I can hold onto those fox rewards for as long as possible without having to make the payment twice, something which I honestly couldn't afford right now. Not entirely sure how I feel about the login system, but I can definitely understand its inclusion overall. I just hope down the line with the actual games release it'll be possible to play fully offline without a need to login for those off days when people might without net! Regardless though, definitely looking great and added much more then I would have expected for the game since the last update, only makes me wonder even more as to what might lie in store for the future!


so upgraded to fox now do we have a midnight release or sometime tomorrow?