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Hi Patrons and Thank you so much for staying there supporting us!

Is the #ThankYouPatrons thing so we think it's a good time to share this old render that once was a part of our Patreon header. Hope you like it:

And on top of that, here is a new Dev Report!


We've made a couple of minor changes on the Discord server:

  • Announcement channel is now open to Waifustream news and not only for VXS.
  • Collaboration channel has now transformed into Self Promotion channel. So if you're a content creator, artist, gamedev, programmer, voice actor... You can share your links and/or works on this channel.

Punished Mai Walkthrough

I continue with the recording of the game...

Yesterday, I finished chapter 3... It's taking so long... I've forgotten how to solve some of the puzzles XD

Anyways, I hope to finish the recordings ASAP cause I want to finish the walkthrough before the end of this year to be able to continue with the future of this story.


Meguido is here with some new info:

Hey everyone!
Here I am again with the reports on Bioasshard.
So, continuing where I left off, I've been working on some more animations. This time some aiming animations. Up until now there was only 3 aiming animations: aiming center, up and down. But because of the changes in the system and with the purpose of making it smoother on mind, I created the other six directions: Up-right, Up-left, center-right, center-left, down-right and down-left. Made this for the handgun and for the knife as well.
Another thing I've made related to animations is to make the aiming ones that points down, more extreme. This way the aiming range has increased. After doing so I realized that when aiming down, it was almost impossible to see where the gun was pointing to, so decided to make a improved camera system for aiming. It took a bit of time for I'm happy with the result, so now when you aim down the camera moves over the shoulder to show where the gun is and where it's aiming to. With this result I decided to add something along those lines to when you aim up, so you can still see some of Jill with the handgun. Up until now when you aimed up the camera acted like it was a FP camera, where just shown the gun and no sign of Jill, but that's now fixed.
Also took the chance to update the camera movement limits and smooth them using some interpolation processes.
Because of the new crosshairs system, I had to rework how the shot direction was processed, so it now takes the direction of the weapon pointing to where a trace from the center of the screen to where the crosshairs would collide in the world and then makes the shot in that direction. This also made it possible to add some shot spread to the system. This way you can't just spray to the center of the crosshairs making it too easy :)
Also with the new control system it was pretty common to see Jill getting an item doing some strange movement with the arm while looking anywhere else, so I made it that when you get an item if its outside of certain view-range, Jill will auto-rotate to look at it. It sometimes looks like a pop-up but it's better than before xD.
So, overall I've been doing a lot of work on the animation side, on the programming side of the animations (the so-called Animation Blueprint) and also working on the new systems.
As you can see I didn't mention anything about the "systems" you'd like to 'read' about, but because I know you'd like to see better than read about, I'll let that for when I can show you something about that (wait- you don't know which "system" I'm talking about? of course, the sexttack system and the ones related to it ;D). Hopefully that should be soon.

And to end this part of the report, here you can see a bit of the new look of the inventory in movement and the new aim camera system:
Video 1
Video 2
Thank you for your patience!

Poll Results: Are the screenshots above really that dark for you?

As I expected from my own experience, the screens are too dark ^^ We'll need to work very hard with the lighting of the new area.

Character Names

Thanks for the name sugestions and remember: you can still suggest your parody names.

Oh! And I forgot about this on the previows post: you can suggest names for bad guys/girls too.

De bien nacidos es ser agradecidos.

Well I think that's all for today, don't forget to continue suggesting names.

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Regards and thanks again for your support and for the kind comments on the previous post. <3


Icarus Media

Hmm bad guys and girls...you could create a female futa version of Albert Wesker and call her Allie Wesker. Course I know a lot of people don't like that stuff so making it somehow optional might be best. As forother bad guys: Nemesis - Adversarion (I like that one, Nemesis means a persons adversary so...'Adversarion' I'll think of some others at some point.


Thanks for the suggestions! The image of female futa Wesker is now on my mind hahaha (Well, they were more than one Wesker to begin with, one of them was a girl so... XD)