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IMPORTANT NOTE -This post shows in no way relation to Versus X Studio. This is just the personal opinions and thoughts of Meguido-

Hello everyone!

Did you miss me? Don't want to know the answer xD. Well after more than 2 months I'm here back again.

This summer has been the worst I can remember. So much shit had happened. I was almost unable to work on anything related to any project with so much IRL shitty stuff.

Hopefully that's now over and I'll be able to get back on the level I had at least.

After so much time you could probably expect tons of news but unfortunately that's not the case. But hey! that's doesn't mean there's been no progress at all.

(ignore the top left corner censored stuff, it's just debug code)

Well there you have it. First animation done and implemented in-game. Had to reinvent my code for them to fit in. I mean even setting collisions off the zombie would remain at like 50cm from Jill for an unknown reason. Anyway that's now fixed and working.

Still need to implement more stuff obviously: A new parameter, I can't talk of yet, to get updated while "attacked". No life damage yet. And the QTE system to free from the enemy. There's also more work to do with the camera during these "attacks".

There's also an artifact that I don't know if it's a game problem, an engine problem or it's just my f*cking pc. Take a look at the Jill's pelvis/abdomen here:

See that... black line? That's constantly happening during the animation. It's like a ghosting trace left by the zombie... I hope it's just on my end and won't happen on yours. Probably I'll have to search on solutions when released and confirmed it keeps happening.

So that's basically it. This is what I've been able to do in all this time:

* Finished one of the main animations

* Drafted two more animations.

* Implemented the finished animation in-game

* Added the necessary code to get these attacks working

* Added a basic camera for it

And this is what's coming next:

* Add Life damage to these attacks

* Add ending animation

* Add QTE system to get free from the attacks

* Work on camera animations for the attacks

* Update the secret parameter and add its "consequences"

I'd really like to post some gifs or vids but this pc can't handle recording those while working on unreal... sorry. It was a mess to capture those old videos we published (we had to set up our hauppage capturer for that). It's not something we can do just to record a short gif :(

Well I'm also working on RTP Ero-adventures these days. Fixing a problem with full screen and anim videos... hopefully that won't be a problem anymore when it's finally fixed.

Well and that's all for now. All those next steps for Bioasshard should be done by the end of the month (or so I hope).

But you know, before saying good bye, it's time for my personal rant :P

It's that time again where I'm getting bored... bored of seeing how we can't "blast off" here in Patreon. Even some people mentioned it: "you should be making bank out of it with Punished Mai". Do I think Punished Mai is a perfect game? Hell no. But still I think it's better than many others making 1k+ per month in an unfinished state.

But it's now even worse. We already explained how bad the summer was getting for us and that caused a low reach to people not only in Patreon but everywhere else. Almost no updates, no news, no posts but we (Versus X specifically) still managed to get everyone updated on the latest progress and yet we've lost so much support... not only by losing Patrons but by pledge editing... I understand people have life's stuff that can cause this changes, of course. But everyone at the same time? It's caused by the lack of updates? We still need much more support to keep working on the projects... We're not milking it... indeed out of what we're getting I'm pretty sure we're the only ones who would go so far on making 3d games for example, most devs would stick to simpler stuff until reaching an appropriate sum. But here we are, working and losing much more than what we get in exchange. Obviously I appreciate and love every single Patron we have because without you this would be completely dead. You're the ones giving us support and hope.

But I keep wondering about all the loosing lately. Even more when I see and infamous Patreon I won't say the name of course, but maybe you can guess it. It's still getting 1k+ per month (at other times it had 3k+ per month). The last post was in May... yeah you read it right, May. And that's at this time. When it was at 3k+ the lack of news was even worse. That (let's call it) game it's just a few maps and a few renders with, let's be honest, almost 0 work on it. Tons of people complaining on it. Any bad comment posted on that Patreon got deleted at that time. Then after so many months, the author appeared blaming Patreon forbidden him the access to his account... lol? Yeah forbids the access to it and to the rest of communities where he can inform the followers from what was supposedly happening to him... come on. And how the hell those "bad" (more like facts) comments got deleted?

But the most surprising thing is not those bad excuses and how he disappeared again without releasing just a new map and some new renders but how he keeps milking his Patrons month after month after month and how they keep "supporting" him...

I know I should never compare myself to anyone else but what the hell, can someone explain how the fuck is he still on 1k+ and we can't even stay over 200 when we already finished a game and are working on 2 new ones and just been away 2 weeks at max without posting anything?

I don't get it... and probably never will but I had to say it. Maybe this way I can get back to work without thinking on it too much because that affects me even if I don't want it to.

I guess I'll leave the rant here. I really don't know how Versus X let me post this kind of things on here hahaha.

Anyways see ya on the next Report!


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