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Welcome to the Feywild!

This is my first real foray into the Feywild, another plane of the Forgotten Realms that is populated by beings such as dryads, nymphs, hags, darklings, mycanoids and many other fantastical creatures tied to the notion of extreme nature.

I wanted to create a map that first provided a location that could spawn either social or combat encounters (or both) by having a small mushroom village, as well as a large Great Tree with a defined interior and lower level. The surrounding plant life is meant to be lush, vibrant, colorful and larger than life, hoping to evoke a very different feel to the regular world.

The Great Tree could be populated by whatever creature you wish, though I've set the interiors up to potentially be both a helpful or harmful creature, with a lower level that could easily be the den of a Hag pretending to be some other creature when the PC's first arrive.

So, how do I use this map?

1. Transported to the Fey - your PC's may purposefully or accidentally be transported to the Fey, in which case it they may arrive on the shores of the village via a boat, wake up in a dense forest, or perhaps even brought there as prisoners.

2. Entering by Portal - I've included a couple of pieces of art with this Map Pack, a background illustration of a Fey Portal by Andrzej Rybus and  Fey Portal Asset by John Ric Detoon. This Fey Portal Asset should allow you to create a gateway to the Fey anywhere else in your game, linking to a similar portal you can place on this map.

Potential Plot Hooks

1. Rare Ingredients - someone of importance is suffering a condition for which there is no known natural cure, at least not from this Realm. Someone discovers that either knowledge or a particular plant/herb can be found in the Feywild to save their life, and a journey begins to travel to the Fey and obtain this remedy -- but at what cost?

2. Seeking Wisdom - time may pass differently in the Fey, and it's possible that someone who used to live in your Realm long ago traveled to the Fey and has called it home ever since. The PC's must travel there now and seek them out, attempting to gain their favor and obtain knowledge they need to forward their goals.

3. Abducted - perhaps a chance encounter in one of the forests of their Realm sees the PC's make a poor decision with a powerful Fey creature, who decides to teach them a lesson by abducting them all into the Realm of the Feywild. With no easy way home, they must now agree to do a service for their captors, lest they be there forever.

Familiar Location

You may notice that the location seems familiar, and that is no accident. I used the same base map as Leilon's Point to create this village, so that there could be an anchor to the regular world, as well as to Forgotten Realms specifically. The Feywild is described as being layered over the regular plane, where there are similarities, but differences, and having a version of the same space seems like it could create some exciting opportunities.

I hope you enjoy this map and idea, and can surprise your players with a very colorful adventure - if nothing else. ;)



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