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I am pleased to bring you another Illustration Support Pack, which is wrapping up a large support pack of illustrations for NPCs and Item Illustrations you can use in your personal campaigns for narrative story telling and/or tokens in your VTT.

Item Illustrations

I love being able to show players the items and loot they find out in the world, so this month features [6] varied items that could be woven into your current story line as treasure, background items, quest items or more.

These item illustrations were done by Stephen Bell.

The items included in this illustration pack are:

Vial of Moon Silver - an enchanted liquid used to reverse or delay the effects of lycanthropy.

Bag of Many Coins - this bag of many coins functions as a bag of holding only for currency, allowing its user to carry many hundred or thousands of coins with only the weight of the pouch.

Serpent's Sting, Short Sword - this magical curved blade has [5] charges and regains 1d4+1 charges every dawn. The user can use a Bonus Action to spend [2] charge to coat the blade in a virulent toxin, forcing a DC 14 CON Saving Throw to resist becoming poisoned. The blade remains coated until it is successfully applied. If the blade strikes someone that is poisoned, it delivers an additional 2d4 poison damage.

Amulet of Undeath - This spherical amulet is made of bronze and holds a dark green gem, a series  of arcane runes encircling the gem along the bronze circle. The interior of the gem seems to glow green gently. This amulet can be placed upon a corpse. Once done, the corpse’s appearance returns to that which it held in life, moving and speaking the same, as well as  retaining its memories, however, it is under the thrall of the amulet’s  creator. If the undead thrall loses its remaining health, its flesh  burns away along with the medallion. The amulet’s creator keeps a  telepathic link with the thrall through the amulet, being able to see  and hear what it sees.

Horn of Lingering Death - This long war horn has been carved from bone and reinforced with iron bands.  It carries a nefarious magic, when blown, a foul mist encompasses a 60 x 60 ft. square that makes everything obscured. While in the mist, any  creature that dies will rise 1 round after death to keep fighting with the same stats as life, but with the “undead” creature type in addition.  After they are felled again, they stay dead. The mist lasts for 1  minute, at which time any undead created by the mist fall lifeless to the ground.

Amulet of the Sapphire Eye - This silver medallion features twin moons surrounding an eye fashioned from slivers of carved sapphire. The amulet functions as an Amulet of Proof Against Detection & Location, and grants the user Truesight once per day for 1 minute.

NPC Portraits

These NPC portraits were made by artist HIIDRA Studios and feature bust level portraits of the following NPCs:

1. Male Dwarven Blacksmith

2. Female Human Barkeep

3. Female Human Guard Captain

4. Female Human Noble

5. Female Human Priestess

6. Male Human Mayor

7. Male Human Mercenary Leader

8. Male Human Shop Keeper


These illustrations are for personal use only and not to be distributed in any fashion without permission from Morvold Press. All rights reserved for artists Stephen Bell and HIIDRA Studios.

I hope you can come up with some good characters for your campaigns with these portraits and item illustrations for your party!



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