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The download ZIP file containing these images can be found attached to this post, so there will be no Tier Reward Post or separate download URL. but I will link this post on the front page of the Patreon.

I am pleased to bring you another Illustration Support Pack, which is wrapping up a large support pack of illustrations for NPCs and Item Illustrations you can use in your personal campaigns for narrative story telling and/or tokens in your VTT.

Item Illustrations

I love being able to show players the items and loot they find out in the world, so this month features [10] dwarven-themed items that could be woven into your current story line as treasure, background items, quest items or more.

These item illustrations were done by Stephen Bell.

The items included in this illustration pack are:

Decorative Shield

Masterwork Dwarven Short Sword

Tome of the Deep (closed)

Gauntlets of the Forge Lord

Forge Lord's Hammer

Shadowlight Lantern

Dwarven Master Key

Cloak of the Crags

Deepstone Boots

Dwarven Crown

NPC Portraits

These NPC portraits were made by artist HIIDRA Studios and feature bust level portraits of the following NPCs:

1. Male Mercenary Cleric

2. Male Mercenary Fighter

3. Male Mercenary Barbarian

4. Male Goblin 

5. Male Goblin Leader

6. Male Dwarven Outpost Leader

7. Male Dwarven Scout Leader

8. Male Dwarven Scout


These illustrations are for personal use only and not to be distributed in any fashion without permission from Morvold Press. All rights reserved for artists Stephen Bell and HIIDRA Studios.

I hope you can come up with some good characters for your campaigns with these portraits and item illustrations for your party!



Bob Schrempp

Super cool stuff. First a question, then a suggestion. This is Pack 3, this implies there is a Pack 1 and 2, where would I find them? Suggestion: The information written in the post and the blurb you write in the email explaining your thoughts on each release, it would be cool to have that included in each ZIP so we know your thoughts on each map set. I have been making a readme text file and pasting the text from the email into it.


Thanks, Bob! If you just search from the front page of the Patreon for "Illustration Support", it will bring up all of the other posts. As for the write ups, I will see how best to include those. I usually write those up after creating the ZIP files, so it would probably require me to reverse a step -- but certainly doable!