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The download URL for the map files can be found in a following "Tier Rewards" post specific to your tier, or on the Pinned post on the front page of the Patreon.

Intro Story

The emissary placed another scroll in front of Dolbun, talking through the flowing written script detailing the trade proposition from his Noble House. He paused frequently between paragraphs, glancing up toward the dwarf to make sure he understood, even though copies of the agreement had been forwarded weeks ago.

Dolbun simply nodded. He was commander of Dun Morg, the dwarvish outpost overlooking the northern pass to the dwarven city proper. He had already spoken with the Thane regarding this arrangement and received his thoughts. And his requirement.

As the emissary completed presenting the last of the documents, Dolbun folded his hands and regarded him coolly, "I appreciate the efforts of House Trevarre in traveling to meet with us, and for your...trade proposal. I have spoken with the Thane on this, and he is in general agreement to your terms, under one condition."

The emissary attempted to conceal his excitement to close this deal, though a smile escaped his pursed lips for just a moment. Gesturing with a gloved hand, the emissary replied, "Of course. Please, let us know how we can help meet the Thane's wishes."

Dolbun drew in a short breath and folded his mailed gloves before him, "If the Thane is to enter into this agreement, he needs assurances that the people we deal with are capable and committed. We cannot afford weak partners in this trade, as it is a bond that would be forged for centuries."

The emissary nodded in response, spreading either hands in an open gesture, "How can we further prove our capability and commitment?"

The dwarven leader lifted his chin slightly, as he replied, "There is a...problem we are facing, deep in the woods to the west. An Elder Tree grows near the foothills of the mountains, atop a stony hill just beyond the river. A creature has come to lair there."

Reaching out, Dolbun picked up a flagon and lifted it to his lips, drinking deeply of the reddish ale within before continuing, "At first, this creature kept to the woods killing boars, deer, the occasional bear. It has, however, expanded its selection to some of our patrols, and even attached us directly here at the outpost."

Replacing the flagon, Dolbun glanced toward the emissary and his entourage of liveried guards and hired mercenaries, "We'd like you and your men to kill it and return its head. Do this, and the Thane will agree to your terms and you will return home with both your contract, and our trust, secured."

Rising from the table, Dolbun gestured toward a pair of dwarven guards waiting near the western door, "These men will give you details on the creature's location and everything we know. You will have three days. Return with the head, or home."


This Random Encounter map features an Elder Tree amidst a forest near the foothills of the mountains. A river cuts through the rocky territory, traveling north to south. At the base of the elder tree stands a wide cave mouth, which leads into the depths of the hill. Inside the cave is the lair of the creature, which can support any narrative you may have:

1. Hunting down a creature for a needed spell component, quest item or artifact.

2. Slaying a monster plaguing a local village, town or outpost.

3. Earning the trust of an organization suffering at the hands of a monster laired at the hill.

The Map Pack features three variants of the map -- Summer, Winter, and a Beast Variant in Winter that has bones and blood strewn about the cave mouth.

It also includes [2] cave tiles, one supporting the monster lair and another plain interior that could be populated with whatever your campaign needs -- bandits, cultists, monsters, etc...

I hope you can craft some exciting tales with this map!



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