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The download URL for the map files can be found in a following "Tier Rewards" post specific to your tier, or on the Pinned post on the front page of the Patreon.

Welcome to the village of Vallaki and St. Andral's Church in the valley of Barovia, as loosely depicted in the module, Curse of Strahd.

This Map Pack covers the western gates and edge of the village, as well St Andral's Church and interiors for a stables and wagon repair yard. Future releases will also include the lower crypt for the church and additional sections of Vallaki as I make my way through the village, detailing the included and not-included maps mentioned in the module and third-party play.

If you aren't running Curse of Strahd, this could still serve as a great village for your own homebrew campaign, either as a starting village or destination along the way.

I'm excited to start digging into Curse of Strahd and will be hoping to release additional maps over the next several months for that module, while continuing work on other modules and my own original maps.

I hope you enjoy it!



Lucas Kunz

Thank you so much. I am just preparing COS. Great Timing