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The download URL for the map files can be found in a following "Tier Rewards" post specific to your tier, or on the Pinned post on the front page of the Patreon.

Intro Story

The wagon lumbered along the stony trail, tiny stones shattered beneath the weight of the argosy laden with gifts for the Queen's birthday.

Giving a sharp whistle, the pilot urged the team of horses forward along the road. They'd been traveling for two days without issue, and he planned to keep it that way. Traveling through the woods was always dangerous, especially when the cargo was worth more than all their lives stacked six feet deep.

Four riders flanked the wagon, each bearing a rider clad in blackened steel armor and wearing the green and golden sigil of the wealthy Noble House Trevarre.

The pilot squinted as the shade of the forest's canopy slid away to reveal a stony gorge, its massive cliffs rising to either side of the road. The craggy rocks were covered in green shrubs with white and pink flowers, beautiful and wild. As the road descended into the gorge, shadow washed over them like a hot blanket.

The pilot reached to his neck and produced a polished metal medallion, its face carved into the likeness of the sun and whispered a short prayer.

"Radiant Lady -- shine your light upon us and let us pass through this darkness quickly and without conflict."

No more than a minute later, as the wagon rounded a bend in the road, the whoops and shouts of several creatures hiding in the cliff face overhead echoed through the gorge and crude spears clattered against the adjacent rock face.

One of the mounted riders glanced sidelong toward him and scoffed, "Guess the sun's got more important places to be." 

Raising a shout, the four horsemen neared the argosy and raised their shields to deflect any missile fire descending from above. With a crack of the reins, the pilot shouted to his team and urged them to a gallop, the wheels bouncing over stray stones along the path.

"I'm gettin' too old for this shit.", the pilot said, leaning down slightly to keep his head tucked behind the frame of the pilot's mount.


This Random Encounter map features a road passing through a gorge passing through the dense forest. A river runs from northwest to southeast, bisecting the large cliffs looming overhead, while a stone bridge allows even the largest of wagons to cross safely.

The Forest Gorge has several points of entry, elevation, difficult terrain, cover and many other features that would lend itself well to combat encounters you may have planned, whether it be Stone Giants raining boulders down from above to a tribe of goblins waylaying travelers.

At the base of one of the cliffs is a darkened cave mouth, capable of spawning creatures or leading to any other map you may wish to use. This cave could be populated by bandits, cultists, tribals or simply the den of a large creature.

I hope you can use the map for all kinds of fun encounters!



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