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[Art by Steven Bell, patron request for items from Dragon of Icespire Peak]

I am very pleased to present our next group of patron-voted Artifact Illustrations!

These are illustrations that I have done as a free gift to you guys for being awesome, and to help you out with your games!

These three illustrations are all from Dragon of Icespire Peak and, as such, will not have alternative magic item text and/or plot hooks, as they're intended to be used for that module, however, you're certainly welcome to create your own stats and ideas for them, and I may add notes in the future.

The three items are:


Armor | Breastplate (Rare)

You have a +1 bonus to AC while wearing this armor. This +1 breastplate has a silver dragon motif worked into its design. Created for a human hero of Neverwinter named Tergon, it grants its  wearer advantage on saving throws against the breath weapons of  creatures that have the dragon type.


Weapon | Mace (Rare)

Lightbringer was commissioned by priests of Lathander, the god of  dawn, from the mages working with the gnomes and dwarves of the  Phandelver's Pact. The mace was lost when Wave Echo Cave and its mine  vanished from history.

Lightbringer was found by the Seekers during their efforts to reclaim the Forge of Spells in Wave Echo Cave.

This +1 mace was made for a cleric of Lathander, the god of dawn. The  head of the mace is shaped like a sunburst and made of solid brass.  Named Lightbringer, this weapon glows as bright as a torch when its  wielder commands. While glowing, the mace deals an extra 1d6 radiant  damage to undead creatures.

Gnomengarde Grenade

Wondrous Item | (Unique)

This small metallic object is comprised of rune-covered parts made  from different metals, linked together with a variety of gears, bands,  bits, and bobs. The metals are all different colors, making the grenade  shine with a rainbow of color when held up in the light.

As a bonus action, a creature can turn a special key to arm the  grenade. Once armed, the grenade explodes in a matter of seconds. As an  action, the wielder can hurl the grenade up to 120 feet. At the end of  their turn, the grenade explodes. All creatures within 60 feet of the  grenade when it explodes suffer the following effects:

  • Each creature must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 28  (8d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much fire damage on a  successful one.
  • Each creature must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a  failed save, it takes 28 (8d6) thunder damage and is stunned until the  end of its next turn. On a successful save, it takes half as much  thunder damage and is not stunned.
  • The wielder rolls on the chart for the Wand of Wonder hree times, rerolling any duplicate results. Any effects that specify a  target affect all creatures in range of the grenade when it explodes.  Any effects that would affect the wielder of the wand instead affect the  closest creature to the grenade when it goes off.

The grenade explodes immediately if a creature places it in an  extradimensional space or teleports while in possession of it. The  effects of the explosion will be felt at both the origin and terminus of  the teleportation, but only affecting all creatures within 30 feet of  either location.

Licensing Note

These images are all copyright to Stephen Bellshaw and the images can only be used for your own personal home games. The images cannot be repackaged, sold, shared or modified (outside of your own personal use).



James P

These are amazing thanks so much!