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A horn sounded in the distance, signaling the return of the hunters.

Men and women, clad in fur pelts and cured leathers padded across the hot stones, bows slung about their shoulders and a massive, furry gortok swinging lifelessly from a long, wooden pole. The creature was black as midnight, with bone white fangs and dirty claws the size of a human forearm. Its shaggy pelt was riddled with splotches of dried blood and torn from the bite of axes.

As the hunters rounded the red rocks, fellow tribesman hooted and whistled from atop rickety wooden walkways that spanned the stones. Small children ran alongside the pack, pointing and throwing tiny stones at the felled beast.

Nearing the tribe's home, a figure emerged from the shadowy mouth of the massive cave. She was covered in blood-red paint, hand prints covering her body and black swirls inking her face. A pair of emerald eyes regarded the group as they came to rest before her, laying the mighty beast at her feet and standing proud.

Splaying her hand before her, black nails pointing toward the assembled hunters, "Who presents this kill to Galah?"

One of the hunters stepped forward from the pack, long in years and heavily scarred from many forays into the dangerous canyon. Lifting his chin proudly, the tribesman stated, "Hakra, the blood hand. I present this beast to Galah, its meat to the tribe, its blood to the earth and its soul to the Great One in the shadow."

There was a chorus of hoots and whistles from the tribe.

Galah stepped forward, thrusting a bony claw into an open wound of the felled beast, coating it in thick, dark blood. Stepping toward the older hunter, she raised her finger and drew a single line along his forehead and bridge of his nose. "The tribe accepts your gift, Hakra. The Great One will be pleased."

Turning from the hunters, Galah raised her hand in a sharp gesture and the rest of the tribe burst into cheers, running toward the fallen beast to help carry it toward the cave to carve and prepare. Other tribesmen approached the hunters, offering them cups of water and offering words of praise.

Pausing, Galah turned back toward the hunters and said, "Hakra, come with me and tell the story of this kill. I would record it on the wall."

Hakra's normally stoic face offered a rare smile, as he strode forward to walk with the shaman into the shadow of the cave.


This is a large map of a tribal culture living within a sprawling canyon. There are [3] separate cavern systems, each serving a different purpose.

The Northwest Cave is home to the bulk of the tribe and contains many different chambers, including a main entry, storage, eating chamber, cooking chamber, water hole, shaman's chamber, lookout, small living chamber and large living chamber with the gathering fire.

The Eastern Cave is home to livestock and beasts of burden that work for the tribe and supply them with wool, hide and meat. They have several pens, as well as the cavern to house the animals in times of extreme heat.

The Southern Cave is the home of the Great One, a being open to interpretation for your story, but potentially a powerful ally of the tribe, a deity they worship, a holy place or a location where they may sacrifice enemies and/or dispose of their dead. It also includes some holding cells for prisoners they may capture while on the hunt.

I hope you enjoy the map! 

As always, I'd love to hear any interesting ways you decide to use it! =)

Tier rewards will be sent out soon.
