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Here are your rewards for the Phandalin Town Map Pack [60 x 40]!

This Map Pack features [1] Map – the town of Phandalin from the beginning of Lost Mines of Phandelver, with several dilapidated buildings, a crumbled Tresendar Manor and most everything to scale in line with the original WOTC artwork. I added a small cave south of the manor (near the forest) that’s visible, but not obvious, and I also added a watermill to the river in the NW part of town, since some Patrons had mentioned people using Phandalin as a stand-in for Greenest on Hoard of the Dragon Queen.

This map should hopefully be useful for combat encounters, high-level presentation to the players, tracking where players are during “down time” (i.e. I want to go visit the smith while they travel to find the townmaster.), as well as a place holder on the page while not zoomed in on any particular location/scene.

I hope you can use it to create all kinds of fun encounters!

Download the files here!


If you have any issues with the files or need something changed, please let me know!


Jeff @ Morvold


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