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After weeks of struggling to replicate the original map, I've decided to simply make my interpretation of the map (which will still be largely the same) and stop trying to make everything EXACTLY as it is in the original map.  I've wanted to have this for a while, however, so it's next on my list to complete and get out to you guys!



Steven Worker

I would love to see a map for a restored Wave Echo Cave, perhaps a few years after the events of LMoP. What would it look like where Gundren and Nundro have reopened operations?


Well, I've done restored versions for the other places, why not one for the mine. ;) It's a big project though, so it make take some effort. =)


Color me exited!


Dude, I can’t wait! We are just starting Phandever here and your maps are incredible. I haven’t been able to find a Wave Echo Cave that I like. I can’t wait to see what you come up with!


It's been a challenge, but the hardest part is done now! Just need to begin dressing all of the rooms appropriately. This particular map is going to be hard for me, because much of the map has NO LIGHT, which adds so much ambiance to the map. Thankfully, there are a few rooms that will have the opportunity for a little bit of light and color, but it's a fairly dreary map. =)

Chris Sanz-Agero (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-29 14:51:35 Looking forward to this! Taking my second group of friends through LMoP remotely via FoundryVTT and your maps have won them over! Although I have already taken the time to split this large map in half and draw all the walls in FoundryVTT, I will gladly do it over because my friends love your artwork and attention to detail. This is one I was planning to use before your announcement: https://external-preview.redd.it/TAtrign0hof8geJeUoWh_KMNZyTGqwUPWPNsrbihG9Q.jpg?auto=webp&s=a2ce190d998e187e71364050291f9acc0317a23c
2021-01-10 22:08:41 Looking forward to this! Taking my second group of friends through LMoP remotely via FoundryVTT and your maps have won them over! Although I have already taken the time to split this large map in half and draw all the walls in FoundryVTT, I will gladly do it over because my friends love your artwork and attention to detail. This is one I was planning to use before your announcement: https://external-preview.redd.it/TAtrign0hof8geJeUoWh_KMNZyTGqwUPWPNsrbihG9Q.jpg?auto=webp&s=a2ce190d998e187e71364050291f9acc0317a23c

Looking forward to this! Taking my second group of friends through LMoP remotely via FoundryVTT and your maps have won them over! Although I have already taken the time to split this large map in half and draw all the walls in FoundryVTT, I will gladly do it over because my friends love your artwork and attention to detail. This is one I was planning to use before your announcement: https://external-preview.redd.it/TAtrign0hof8geJeUoWh_KMNZyTGqwUPWPNsrbihG9Q.jpg?auto=webp&s=a2ce190d998e187e71364050291f9acc0317a23c


I've added an update photo of where I'm at presently with Wave Echo Cave.