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It's a crazy end to the month, but there's another Map Pack!

For you desert dwellers, this piece may be helpful as a transition, destination or siege-based encounter. 

Forged in fire, the soldiers of Demon Craw Keep have fought for decades against the constant press of the  Eastern empire and its many demons of  the desert. Razed and rebuilt time and time again, this keep safeguards the Western nations and offers  safe passage for refugees seeking asylum from the oppressive rule of the  Eastern emperor.

The people of the desert have an affinity with the elements of the wind, and each gate is equipped with magical horns that can summon gusts of wind, as well as a powerful ward that makes it nearly impossible for demons to fly through the barrier.

This Map contains [2] Maps:

The ground floor of the keep, with a large courtyard filled with refugee camps, a stables and wagon yard, guard barracks, dining hall, armory, blacksmith, gatehouse, library, kitchen & storage, officer's barracks, officer's dining hall, war/tactics room, and commander's quarters.

The ramparts, which contain ballistae to repel winged invaders, magical horns above the gates, a chamber of elemental wind with a powerful ward/sigil and covered walkways to hide the keep's numbers from the enemy.

Tier Rewards will be sent out soon!

[Art by ncorva]



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