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Every month, I do a map of the "thing" you (the collective you) vote for the most, so I'm putting up this vote for a week to give everyone a chance to discuss and vote for the map(s) they want to see the most!

Please vote for the option you want to see most, and feel free to suggest alternative maps, if I've not included the one you'd like to see most.



I'm obsessed with the port city! I absolutely loved it. I'm using it as a Tortuga-type setting for my campaign and it is perfect! Thanks for all the hard work!


A jungle or desert library would be great. I need one of each, bizarrely enough, so this would be a huge head start. ;)


I'm very interested in the somewhat wide distribution of votes across this list of maps. There are usually 1-2 clear winners, but there are several options here garnering a decent amount of votes. Very interesting!


I'm going to give this another couple days for everyone to have a chance to vote, then close voting. It's a very tight race!


Alright, I am going to declare the Jungle/Desert Library the official winner and keep the Ritual Site on a High Cliff in mind, in case I just get CRAZY some evening. ;) Thanks for everyone expressing their choice! =)