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I am going to be continuing my work on fleshing out the Phandalin Buildings from LMoP and continuing with Barthen's Provisions, Edermath Orchard and Alderleaf Farm.

If there are any other specific buildings or encounter maps from LMoP you would like to see, let me know!






Very cool! I'll be grabbing aaaaaaallll these


I saw that you posted Alderleaf Farm on reddit but can't find it here on Patreon. ..


Hey Randy -- Yeah, I've been releasing them as groups of maps for this, but I am getting the 3 maps ready to release on Patreon here today!


Can you tell me at what scale the "large" versions are generated at, in pixels/feet?


Hi Jeffrey -- on my system, if I highlight the JPG, it tells me the pixel dimensions of each file and the estimated size. Does it provide that for you, as well?


I am happy to work with you and experiment to find some optimum settings, if you want to PM me. I have examined Phandelver Set 1, and made the following calculations, based on the "Large" versions, assuming that the grid was intended to be 5ftx5ft squares: Lionshield Coster: Scale: 200px/5ft Grid: 30x23 Old Owl Well: Scale: 135px/5ft Grid: 39x37 Shrine of Luck: Scale: 175px/5ft Grid: 37x26 Sleeping Giant Inn: Scale: 150px/5ft Grid: 39x34 Stone Hill Inn: Scale: 205px/5ft Grid: 35x20 I put that here, in case others may find it useful. This means that you can set a map in Roll20 using the "Grid" calculation, set your Roll-20 scale to 70px=5ft and then import and size the map to the available space, and have the Roll20 scale be "correct" to what you (the artist) intended.


On further examination, I determined that most of the non-grid large version are not at the exact same resolution, but each are at the same grid dimensions. Here are my complete results, in the case that someone finds them useful. Set 1 Dimension Large Grid Large NoGrid Lionshield Coster: 30x23 200px/5ft 200px/5ft Old Owl Well: 39x37 135px/5ft 135px/5ft Shrine of Luck: 37x26 175px/5ft 175px/5ft Sleeping Giant Inn: 39x34 150px/5ft 155px/5ft Stone Hill Inn: 35x20 205px/5ft 215px/5ft Set 2 Agatha Home*: 17x16 256px/5ft 256px/5ft Miners Exchange: 35x24 185px/5ft 190px/5ft Townmaster Hall: 43x24 175px/5ft 185px/5ft Venomfang Tower: 26x20 256px/5ft 256px/5ft Wyvern Tor: 30x45 135px/5ft 140px/5ft Set3 Alderleaf Farm: 35x24 170px/5ft 176px/5ft Barth's Provisions: 35x24 176px/5ft 186px/5ft Eldermath Orchard:39x28 160px/5ft 170px/5ft *: Note: Agatha Home has no "Large" or "Small" version.


Set 4 Numbers: Large Image Pixels/5ft 5ft Grids Resolution Conyberry 130 px 47x33 6110x4290 Goblin Ambush 165 px 41x30 6765x4950 Smithy 186 px 35x24 6510x4464 WoodWorker 215 px 35x24 7525x5160


Set 5 Numbers: Large Image Pixels/5ft 5ft Grids Resolution Redbrand Hideout 215 px 31x20 6665x4300 Ruined Manor 105 px 68x33 7140x3465 Tresendar Manor 110 px 68x33 7480x3630