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I am pleased to release this Map Pack with [5] Maps from the D&D5E Adventure, the Lost Mine of Phandelver. These maps can be used in conjunction with that adventure, or for your own sessions and homebrew villages.

Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LveV2RW0Zar8FUoNtnR04dQtNbg7YFx_/view?usp=sharing

The Map Pack includes:

Lionshield Coster - A shop/home belonging to and run by an organization that deals with the shipment of goods.

Stonehill Inn - A quaint, two-story inn with 6 rooms on the second floor.

Sleeping Giant Taphouse - A ramshackle taphouse with shoddy accommodations, run by a surly dwarf bartender.

Shrine of Luck & Garaele's Home - An old shrine fashioned from the stones of an ancient ruin, and the home of its caretaker, Sister Garaele.

Old Owl Well [Encounter] - A ruined watch tower atop a hill, where a necromancer has made camp as they delve after secrets buried with the old tower site.

I hope you enjoy these maps and would love to hear about your adventures with them!


Jeff @ Morvold 



J. T. Rador

Thank you for bringing Phandalin to life! These maps have been the centerpiece of my 2nd time running LMOP. By any chance, is there a version of Old Owl Well without the camp setup? Reading some lore on the tower and Hamun Kost, apparently there's a cave of some kind beneath the watchtower's ruins, and it might be fun to have Hamun moved down into the cave.


There isn't, but send me a DM on Discord (or here), and I can make a version without the camp for you. Incidentally, I am making an adventure that involves the area beneath Old Owl Well, so hopefully that will be something I can focus on and finish in the near term. =)