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Progress on the current project, a community within the sewers beneath a large city. Current plan is to have some gangs have taken over the larger chambers in the north, with a small market, while others live huddled together in the remaining nooks and crannies (like the rats themselves), with a large tavern/central area in the middle.

If you have any suggestions or interests in what elements might live in this place, let me know! =)



Austin W

A broken wall connected to a cave with monster den. Maybe


Update: Started filling in the small hovel homes in the southwest quadrant, added Austin's monster cave (which caused the people to break the bridge that used to span the gap, as well as barricade up the hallway (as much as it will do), after the creature ate a family in their hovel home. Rumors swirl about that it's dark as pitch, can smell fear, swims in the sewers, has twenty tentacles, etc...the usual.


Update: Finished filling in the hovels -- now to the larger structures on the north end, mostly the homes of gangs and a couple of indoor shops, then on to the tavern!