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Near the foot of the mountains, the rocky road you've been traveling begins to rise toward a narrow pass among the rock. After climbing the steep incline, you crest the ridge and see the stout wooden gate of the Dwarven Outpost, the silhouettes of armored dwarves moving along the walkway overlooking the gate.

"What's yer business!?", shouts one of the dwarves, laying a heavy gauntlet atop the wooden gate and peering down at you.

Looking at each other, one of you steps forward and shouts up, "We've come to speak with your leader. We need passage into the mountains, shelter and...your help."

A few moments pass as the dwarf confers with one of his colleagues atop the gate, before glancing back toward you and shouting, "No! Be off with you."

Glancing toward the threatening storm clouds sliding down the mountaintop, the rogue steps forward and lifts a hand casually in the air, "We have a cask of the finest southern ales, and a freshly caught wild boar to roast. Happy to make a trade!"

The orange-bearded dwarf squints down at you before conferring with the other dwarf, then disappears behind the wooden gate. Moments later, a loud groan of wood and metal sound as the gate begins to swing open and the orange-bearded dwarf waves you in, "Aye, this way then."

"Welcome to Dun Morg."


Tier 1 Rewards (Tier 2 & 3 following shortly)


Map released under https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/



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