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I am pleased to announce a second Map Pack this month in the Church & Graveyard offering, which will contain MANY files. ;)

The primary maps included are:

1. Church & Graveyard (1st Floor) - Unmolested by evil.

2. Church Lower Level (2nd Floor) - Unmolested by evil.

3. Church & Graveyard - Molested a bit.

4. Church Lower Level (2nd Floor) - Definitely molested by evil.

My decision to provide two variants of the same map would be for DM's to be able to provide their players with options, such as being sent to the Temple while everything is fine, meeting the priests, perhaps even performing a few services, before the evil begins to settle in and the party finds, upon their return, that they must delve into its depths to combat said evil, OR you could present it molested and then have the party work to repair it to its former glory, with a map ready to support that endeavor.

At any rate, I hope you enjoy the maps and have some great times with your players!

Tier1Rewards available here:


I will be sending Tier 2 and 3 Rewards out via email.



Coach Anne (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-01 12:21:22 Hello! I'd really love a Tier 3 version of this Church & Graveyard!
2021-12-01 01:49:53 Hello! I'd really love a Tier 3 version of this Church & Graveyard!

Hello! I'd really love a Tier 3 version of this Church & Graveyard!