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Nestled in the heart of the city is the stronghold of one of the leaders of the infamous Thieves' Guild. Protected by a small army of vicious thugs, silent assassins and quick-fingered pick-pockets, they have eyes and ears everywhere.

Whether your players wish to treat with a leader of the Thieves' Guild, find themselves captured and drug to their lair, or are planning a cunning assault, this battle map should help immerse your players and give you (the DM) creative ideas for the many personalities comprising the Guild's members and leadership.

Features include a Front Office, Poisoner's Quarters, Armory, Barracks for New Members, Personal Quarters for Full Members, Kitchen, Storage, Latrines, Guard Stations, Bookeeper's Office & the Vault, Guild Leader's Chambers and Lieutenant's Chambers, and the Great Guild Hall -- featuring the skulls of those that have tried to rise against the Guild and failed in their pursuit.

This post provides an Optimal Hi-Rez JPG, Gridded/Ungridded VTT files and Gridded/Ungridded 5MB JPGs for Roll20.

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Austin W

You made that fast! Nice work. Also on the VTT files.


The primary thing that slows me down is not knowing what I want to do -- not knowing the flow of the building, or the purpose of the rooms. Once I can get a sense of what each room is supposed to represent, then the pieces start to fall into place very quickly. It was several hours today though, but I am happy with it!

Sebastian Geers

Many thanks for this awesome map! The GridSmall Version is extremely helpful for printing and playing on.