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According to the patron maganger more than the usual amount of pledges declined in this payout. Please check if your payment declined or please let me know if there's an issue.

If there's a delay or whatever, please tell me on here or on discord. It's my rule that if someone declines two months in a row, I give them the boot. 



Mine didn't go through because card expired, I think it should've gone through on the retry though.


Where would I check? Patreon sent the thank you email and I know I definitely have the funds.


As far as I know you got my pledge.


Hover over the av on the top right of this page and click "Your Pledges". Under "Active Pledges" it will list who you pledge to and how much you gave them this month.


Yeah mine just got fixed, had to update payment settings. sorry about that! hope I didn't miss anything