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I encourage you guys to sync your patreon accounts to discord. As advised by a couple other creators, it's getting risky posting certain content and with what happened earlier with me getting reported, it's safer to post this stuff elsewhere. I will post regular "safe" content here but loli and ss may have to move to my discord for releases. I'm not putting them behind a paywall and I'm not trying to get more shekels, I'm just trying to protect my patreon from attacks. If this content isn't already posted on other sites after a while, I'll post 'em myself.

Feedback is welcomed.




So how do I see the loli stuff?


After you sync your account, you should be able to get on my server and see newly released content on my file upload channel.


Sorry, I should have linked this <a href="https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-get-my-Discord-Rewards-" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-get-my-Discord-Rewards-</a>


Unfortunately, Patreon is only linking me to one of the creators who has a Discord that I'm supporting, and it isn't you. Discord indicates that you can send join links, but I'm also letting Patreon know about the issue.


Its says once I am connected I am suppose to get an invite. So far nada.


Well I can get on but there isn't really anything there.


I'm in, thanks for the link. Still no word from Patreon.


They usually respond within a day. Hope they get it sorted out.


Right...but you have older content you could upload to it, right?


It would be awesome if you could post your older loli animations onto it.


i synced up both of them and don't have your discord


Uh.. I doubt you will last long on Discord. Discord is NOT trustworthy at all. They very well might enforce some sort of dumb policy at some point. What about a Mega directory? Or a Drive directory? Or whatever host... perhaps even syncthing or resiliosync if you prefer that?


I'm using mega and I'm not hosting the content on discord, simply posting them on there so my patreon isn't at risk.


Also, since I'm the server mod, reports are much less likely.

The Duke

what's the discord?


Hi Lesdias - synced, but haven't received an invite


It's because you have to pledge to one of the reward tiers ($2, $5, etc)

Alex K

I suppose I need one too then. Did you send these out automatically? Weird that it didn't work.


I send them if patreon fucks up. All you need to do is sync you patreon account to discord to get in.