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TL;DR: I'll LIKELY charge March with current tiers and execute the revamp around the end.
I'm taking today off to rest and then will tackle a commission. I'll be opening the snatch upgrade tomorrow, but may take a short while in tackle them since it's end of the month and need to sort few stuff first.

House Sell

A quick update, there seems to be some delays/issues with the house selling. If things remain stagnate/unsure by the 28th, I'll charge next month and proceed with stuff as usual, making March the last month with current tiers, before revamping things on here to focus more on commissions).

I mention this because:

The previous plans may have made some of you consider the money in something else, or weren't thinking of your idea of next month and with the month being halted decided to not worry or think on the plan, so is more so you can have those things in considerations.

Sorry for these alternation between "plan A and plan B" the house thingie seemed more sure/safe when announced.

In case for some reason I can't complete my duties on March, I shall halt the payment for April in order to complete whatever is pending. (Or just complete what's left + that month's rewards). I'll try my best to keep some clear communication in any case.

Plans at hand

I'm resting today (Been trying to finish Patreon rewards since I returned)

Tomorrow will open the snatch upgrade post so the upgrade requests can be submitted. And try to tackle administrative stuff (Mainly finish scheduling art to get that out of my mind)

Next part will be to finish some pending commissions I have

And then I'll be focusing on the upgrades.

With that said, I hope you all have a nice weekend.


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