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  • Move with the plan 12
  • April bonus reward then move 8
  • Can transition in April, no big deal 2
  • Can transition in May 0
  • Would rather transition in June 1
  • 2024-02-21
  • —2024-02-28
  • 23 votes
{'title': 'Proposals?', 'choices': [{'text': 'Move with the plan', 'votes': 12}, {'text': 'April bonus reward then move', 'votes': 8}, {'text': 'Can transition in April, no big deal', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'Can transition in May', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Would rather transition in June', 'votes': 1}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 28, 2, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 21, 4, 31, 28, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 23}


Hello everyone, today/yesterday I came back from visiting my dad.


I've been tackling sketchorama requests, so I'll likely will be posting them tomorrow. and try to tackle the requests of the month tomorrow/take them down ASAP.

I only took my laptop, so working on stuff was quite sluggish, however, I was able to focus a bit more on scheduling art (so at least that part is almost done)

In any case. I did have a good time with my dad, but he sort of pressed me on what I do (more like questioning the viability of what I'm doing, steps for the future, what I would do if I get into an accident, and those questions/stuff that sort of forces one to think for the scenarios.

Plans at hand

As I've mentioned before, I do plan to change my Patreon model, to be able to tackle commissions (ATM the queue basically remains in the section I made for Patreons)

One thing I need to clear up is, when your turn comes in the Commission Queue, the Patreon pricing will be respected (regardless you remain a Patreon or not). I'm not sure if anyone had their doubts here, but wanted to point it out.

As I mentioned, I'm not charging Patreon on March (Unless the house sale is cancelled which I hope it's not the case), And I know I said I would be doing all this review thing on June, but sort of wanted to ask YOU if one of these plans are also acceptable in order to take less time on the plot.

Before I go with the proposals, I want to share what I wanted to do in June (Now referred as "The plan")

  • Open Level A for few days (Basically so all of you can move to that tier (which is 3 USD Monthly) and close it once all of you are there so the tier remains exclusive.
  • People in this level basically enter a request queue every few months
    Example: Say the total of people in this tier is 60
    - Each month I pick 8-10+ people randomly from the list and do their ideas
    - Next month I pick other 8-10 people (could be more) and once everyone have had their turn, I open the post/queue again.
    This would be a much slower pace in comparison, but the idea is that the request can be like what's now on tier 4: A drawing of up to 4 characters or a comic, and the piece would be at least in color. 
  • Also, people in this tier retain the Patreon pricing.
  • This is more a gratitude tier, as I mentioned, I do want to focus more on commissions, my Stories, learning stuff, etc.


With the plan now revealed, I now want to ask you which of these options you would like me to proceed with.

(Note that I'll likely be executing these on March to continue stuff on April)

  • Move with the plan: Open the tier somewhere in March, let you all know, you move to Level A. on April I just complete the last round of sketchorama and snatch upgrades and after that start working on the request thing. (I can start focusing on commissions fasters)
  • Have a bonus reward: On April things continue as usual, (In this month also making the move) However, rewards of the month are enhanced, say Level A and 3 get their pieces colored and Level 4 have comic colored or ask for an extra character.
  • Can start moving in April: I open in April, you don't have plans that much ahead, so a couple months earlier wouldn't hurt.
  • Can start moving in May: I open in May, you don't have plans that much ahead, so a month earlier wouldn't hurt.
  • Would prefer keep things as planned: (Start the moving on June)

Poll ends on the 27th, for this case, only one option.


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