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Hello everyone, little heads up
In these past 4-5 days I mainly have been working most part of the day on that Massive commission I've mentioned few times in the past, I'm happy to announce that it is on the final stage (shading) but due time constraints (now being 9th) I won't be tackling it until I'm done with Patreon stuff.

However, I first need to take a couple days of rest (tho I do plan on getting all the references of the requests and sketchoramas to make things a bit easier when working on that stuff.

Part of me gathering the info and resources is to speed things up when tackling them.

As I mentioned before, I'm visiting my dad from the 15 and I'll be returning on the 20th.
In order to not stay stagnated in that time, I'm taking a laptop and a tablet to try to work on stuff while I'm there. (I'm also spending time with my dad, so no worries). 

Main thing is, I'm likely won't be streaming since my laptop may not be able to handle it XD (It's old) but want to believe I'll be able to tackle a good chunk of the stuff regardless. Main concern is things may be a bit delayed overall (I hope it's not the case)

Anyways, I do plan to use one of the days to cool off and the other as creative day off (sort of needed), something that really frustrates me tho is that

The last day I was going to take a creative day off, I was backstabbed by my body and had issues sleeping, forcing me to take a long nap mid day -w-'

The other thing is I have quite a number of ideas I want to draw... and my head goes blank when I have these days off (or is more like an overwhelmness of options is hard to pick as well... Many ideas, limited energy and time :'V

In any case, hope you all have a nice weekend!



this is why i keep my Comms Sweet and simple, so it doesn't burn you out.