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Hello everyone!

Here is the final part of the comic of the month, this... subconscious entity argues with Amelia to make her reason her place in the world, convincing her of staying in Liberia.

We then move to her having her job as a model and getting too comfortable in the town.

The idea was to give a slow hypnosis story, I certainly took a while to be able to complete this story,.

ATM I have 3 original comics sketched and/or scripted, but have nothing solid for the next month, so either, I'll have to use one of my days off to hurry things, or hopefully with one of the commissions I have I can start a story.

Again, the idea was inspired by a piece from Jimryu, but in my end I wanted to give a bit more of a solid foundation, rather than "Just women are hypnotized" and make it more like "It's the vibe of the place"

I know there are a lot of flaws in the logic and there is a country/city something named Liberia... TBH, I forgot about it when doing the comic (Geography isn't my strongest point TBH)

All that said, I really hope you all enjoyed the story!

Have a nice day!




Hehe, very fun~ Love how she looks more sexy at the end compared to the rest of the comic


Got to say I love how she is convinced to stay and that it isn't some random or i'll just change my mind because something in the air


The idea is she is slowly hypnotized, but I guess that subconsciousness basically represents that, preying on her doubts and insecurities and gaslighting her into staying. Yeah, I hate the "You know what, this place it's not as bad!" random and seemingly out of nowhere stuff Here the shadow can take multiple interpretations, but the message still sort of stands