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Little quick drawing using the meme of We're gonna have to kill this guy

Original(?): https://twitter.com/g4teway31/status/1733305574052270147

I saw many variations of it, and I couldn't help but want to draw my Muse and Kaztle in the scenario... with Muse being the chaotic murderous betch she is, she having killing intent to spare.

The original idea was she going like "Fuck! - Err, I mean..." - Checks the script - "Damn..." (Not looking deflated at all) 

But this version works as well.

In any case, hope you enjoy!




"Good!" "CUT!" "Leave it to me!" "CUT!!" "It is what it is." "CUT! CUT! CUT!!!" "Damn." "Good enough..." That's what I'm envisioning is going on here XD