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TLDR: Cats waste a lot of food and it bothers me a lot, apologies for being slow on the Patreon rewards, Talked with my brother to address my work times better have a better space for me to work.


I really hate to post many rants in a short amount of time, but need to take this out somewhere.

As I mentioned before, my mom has been taking few trips as of late (usually goes out 2-3 times a year, but they tend to be a bit more spaced. However, she took a trip on October, Another a Week or so ago, and will take another (and quite longer) on December. Me an my brother take care of watching over the house and what not, for small periods usually is not big deal but it's been a bit too frequent for me and definitely not looking forward my mom's long vacation by mid December.

I'm not sure why, the cats have been Waaaay to picky with the food in the past few days.

I must start saying that my mom spoiled those little critters. While they eat the croquettes/dry cat food, they usually prefer wet food. We usually have varied flavors to try to vary it, however, we mainly have 2 flavors (Tuna from Whiskas and Chicken from "Minino") Which tend to be the ones they like (or eat) he most. 

For some reason lately they refuse to eat from these packs. Smell it and kind of avoid it.

It really irks me the amount of food I've had to thrown away because these morons don't want to eat it, They just leave it there and it gets dried. And it double bothers me that They don't want to eat, and then come to my room and stay at my side and wait until I get up to ask me for food (I feel hurried by an animal to give them attention/food). That's a huge reason why I normally keep the door of my room closed, but with one cat seemingly unwell, I kind of tried to keep the door more open in case he wants to come and rest in my room.

I just cleaned their bowls, throw away the dry food that was in the dispenser and served them new dry food from a new bag... Surprisingly they ate it (one more than the others), but they ate it

What I'm trying to say is... I'm not in the best mental state ATM I love the cats but to me they waste a lot of food for my liking. 

To be able to draw I kind of need to be in a good mental state, I tried to stream this morning (progress is progress) but kind of had to stop after a couple of hours because I felt pressured by a cat, basically day went shit after that and I couldn't draw properly anymore. 

Me being stressed and frustrated doesn't help to my peace of mind/mood to draw, which sadly takes a HUGE hit on my productivity (Plus adding other tasks like preparing food or cleaning the kitchen which take away from it.)

I also talked with my brother to address the matter of streaming and the cats, so hope to keep my space private at least when I'm deciding to stream to work on this stuff.

Once more, apologies for all the rant, the situation hasn't been the best for me and it also bothers me not being as productive as I wish to.

I don't think I need to explain my relationship with my mom, while she helps greatly in my life with stuff like washing clothes/preparing food, I basically pay her a rent and also support buying stuff for the house (or help with a part of the groceries), so I usually see it as a supporting each other.

Hope you all have a good day/evening/week tho.


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