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Hello everyone!

1st of all, let me thank you for your constant support.

2nd is, this post is to take the requests of the month, as I have said before the quality of the piece will depend on the amount of characters/complexity, but overall the general idea is:

  • 1 character: Cell shaded
  • 2 characters: Flat color
  • 3 characters or comic: sketched
  • 4-5 characters will be put in a comic page

Note: Remember you can upgrade your pieces to a higher tier later in the month when I open the snatch upgrades.
Note 2: Overly complex outfits will either reduce the quality of the piece or be simplified.

How this work:

In a comment drop your idea with all necessary references (Characters, poses, outfits, elements, etc.)

  • References for characters of series are not needed, but are welcomed,
  • References for OCs or niche series, should be provided,
  • If a character has multiple forms (Ages through a series, multiple outfits), please specify if you need a particular one, else will be up to my discretion when drawing them
  • Anything important (poses, outfits, etc) should be provided as long as it's required for your request.
    > If you just want a general pose like "Posing sexy" but have nothing in mind, is no needed to provide it.
  • References are meant to be links to your sta.sh, a wiki page/image imgur, deviantArt, twitter, danbooru, etc.

If the character involved is in a fetish/peril (hypnosis, shrinking, nudity, etc.) AND is someone else's OC, I will require either a public statement where they say they are Ok with all kind of fanart of their OCs (or that OC in particular) or them me DM me via twitter or deviantArt stating they are Ok with the idea (else the idea will remain exclusive to Patreon)

Under age characters or lolis in suggestive situations will be aged up.
(Might need to do a SFW alt for dA)

If for some reason you wish/need to DM the idea, please put a comment on the post mentioning it (Mostly to keep a better track/order) of the ideas to be worked on.

I'll be taking ideas until the 8th of the month at 8pm Central Mexico time.

IMPORTANT NOTE: For those whose piece is colored (flat color or shaded), if you plan to ask for variants (expresions or outfits) Please let me know so I can do the respective prep work (However, please don't back down when upgrading the piece



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