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Mom's vacation

So first of all will start saying that for those who don't know, I live with my mom and my brother (In a way is better to share a home with how things are), My mom went on a little vacation since yesterday which mean Me and/or my brother will either have to cook out own meals and/or order food for the next week and so.
Not to mention assisting the cats a bit more (cleaning their litter box / Feeding them)

Main reason of me informing this is that I may be a bit slower overall on delivering art and such.

Exclusive of the month and Potential Waifus

I made a little survey in google forms asking feedback on the exclusive of the month. 

Is a short survey, the required questions are multiple choice, anything that requires proper commenting and/or feedback can be easily skipped.


I've mentioned many times before I've been wanting to study Blender and Moho animation, however, I've either spend my time working on commissions, playing or resting (Or doing life caring stuff like making exercise . And if I'm being honest, the "wanting" to study was there, but more in the background.

However, these past days the feeling has been growing again, I feel that giving even a small amount of time each day (30 minutes to an hour or even 2 if I'm into it) may be far better than... well, nothing at all. 

I did watch videos here and there for techniques to improve my art, but in the end I really want to learn these softwares to have better skills under my belt.

The best time

I tend to consider myself as an early bird... at least I used to be, with how I work now my schedule is all over the place sadly. In any case, I recall reading (or listening?) somewhere that rather than one being "productive" at a specific time of the day, is more a "better times to do a particular thing" 

For example, one many be better suited to study in the morning, be more productive to write documents at afternoon, be better to analyze data at around 4-6, and perform better physically at night. This is a BS Example, but my point is that one can do certain stuff better at certain times (Obviously there are a lot of factors to consider but that's the gist of it)

I personally feel my best time to learn would be in the mornings, but given that about half of my mornings I go out for a walk, not sure if it would be a cluttered schedule in the end... and is a big part of my overall hesitation.

Blender VS Moho

The other thing that thorns me is picking an option, I mean, studying 2 software is doable, but is more a thing of one thing at the time.

Blender is a FREE 3D software, it would allow me to create characters, assets and what not, could even make 3D animations or if I get a 3D Printer, small toys in the future. As an auxiliary tool I think it may even help me with backgrounds, and perspectives (Assuming I learn it good enough to have some interesting expertise on it. Years ago I have purchased a couple of courses in Udemy to learn to use it, buuut... again, Usually was busy with IRL work and commissions

Moho animation is a paid software that allows make 2D animations, It offers it's own set of tutorials and creating a character in there could make it more flexible for future animations. As far as I know, there aren't many courses of this, but the same software has it's own set of tools and what not to help with this learning experience (Even premade tutorials to have an easy learning(?))

Moho is a bit expensive, but again, I've already purchased, so part of me is more like "I paid for it, better learn to use it"

TBH, Part of me leans more to Blender, but in any case, both options are a HUGE investment... mainly on time, part of the indecision is that Moho recently released their new version (which I purchased (got a huge discount since is more a version jump) (Decision making is not my strongest field)) 

Since Moho has it's own set of tutorials that come with the software, and the tutorial is written (So no video), I was thinking on maybe doing a study stream in the mornings

In any case, is something I'm still thinking about and feel I need to make a pick soon

Video games...

Many games, little time and I tend to pick the usual stuff: 

  • I play a bit of Splatoon 3 every day to get the daily bonus (usually only play Salmon Run and try to get a salmonoid boss each day (at least))
  • Tetris 99, mainly to try to get the 999 tickets achievement outside that I rarely end up playing far more than I should
  • I will sometimes boot up smash bros just to play a bit (usually 1v1, against level 9 CPU in final destination, no items) Why I don't play online?
    1) Lag,
    2) I usually get either someone too skilled that mops the floor with me, or a one handed that doesn't know how to play. no in between, no one close to my level :'V,
    3) Waiting times between each time
    4) The chance of Rage quitters
    5) Did I mentioned Lag? 
  • I haven't played Monster Hunter Rise in a while, but is a game I kind of miss and still have few things to beat from the last/final updates.
  • Rune Factory 4 is meant to be my game at hand, and I kind of wanted to unlock all missions, and play the game a bit more/see all marriages, but the game is a bit abandoned (Haven't touched it lately due other factors) >_>'

But of course, I still have games that I want to play (Mario Odyssey, Monster Hunter Stories 2, Persona 5, Xenoblade Chronicles (All), Tales of Berseria... ), Games that will release soon and I want to play (Super Mario RPG, Super Mario Wonders) 

As you may have noted... many of those games are RPGs (Which mean they take a long time to finish), given all the stuff I want to do and the limited time...  I kind of need to go to a corner and cry :'V

The Amazon Incident

Kind of related to the previous post I ordered a game (in my defense, the game was like... 570 MXN (about 30-32 USD), while usually purchasing it online would be 1400 MXN /70-80 USD) And likely wouldn't play it until months later :'V

However, when I got my package... I got a juice, I reported it to Amazon and they already picked it up

I had to go and print the respective stickers to return it, and the whole event left me a bit upset. Unsure if purchase it again or just leave it there. 

Final Ramblings/thanks for reading

I guess that's all for the time being, sorry for being a bit slow these past days. aside from the house chores thing, I've also been feeling a bit more tired/sleepy than usual. 

Another thing that also affected my mood is that Amelia and Gura have been a bit quiet for few weeks now (Noted because was mentioned in a stream I was listening to), so I just got worried there... I get worried a lot for things I don't care as much, I tend to not deal as well with change, just hope those 2 are Ok. In any case, those worries are part of the deal of being in the VTuber hole...

Maybe is the cold, these past few days have been freezing where I live.

Closing questions 

(Just to make a bit of chatting?)

  • Do you have any feedback on the exclusive of the month?
  • Which one do you think be better to focus on? Blender or Moho?
  • What do you think of the idea of a study stream?
  • What are the games you have been playing as of late?
  • Are you excited for a new game? (If so, which one?)
  • Have you had a similar issue with Amazon where you order a thing and get something completely different?

In any case, if you ready all my rambling, thanks? XD I really appreciate it.

And please take care!



Amazon screwed up my order as well just a few days ago. I had ordered a model kit and got a amazon essentials shirt instead, I had to put it back in the shipping bag and go through the return and replace process >.>


Well you already have Moho, so I suggest you use it. At the very least, play around with it and learn its techniques before you start trying out Blender. And darn, I'm sorry to hear about that with Amazon.