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Hello everyone! giving heads up on what I do plan or need to do in the next few days (no particular order:

  • 1st of all, few snatch comms or pending for those in the VIP queue/close allies (basically a small mini round or artwork before adjusting my prices <Likely limited to drawings>)
  • Schedule art for the next month: Basically sort pieces to be uploaded on deviantArt and start sorting stuff to post/schedule on Pixiv as well. (Not to mention few shceduled posts on Patreon like the comic of the month and/or the entries to get some artwork)
  • Upload some art on Pixiv: Upload few artworks and/or Alts to have some back up art in there, doubt to upload much, but I kind of want/need to post some stuff, mainly pieces with alts.
  • Take a break: Today I felt a bit burnt out and also have been art horny, I usually take a day (or half) to do any of the 2, didn't want to take 2-3 days because 3 of my friends visited (Some of them came from another city that is like 10-12 hours by car) 
  • Prepare for prices adjustment: Basically want to do few artworks to illustrate better art quality and/or values both for drawings and comics. 
  • Finish Wrong destination: I have few pages left, so I should take care of that ASAP -w-
  • Aaaand , of course, once all of these were done: Open the commission queue once again

I know this sounds like a lot, but is meant to be done through the next few days and weeks:

Scheduling art likely would take me a couple days, the break's intention is to be done soonish as well, as is more oriented to mental health. The comms and adjustments likely would be done through the month.

I DO NOT intend to skip Next month's Patreon, but knowing my pace in the past months, and how I work, likely will be taking the respective time. On the good side, this likely means next month's snatch upgrade will still retain current pricing.

As for Drawing I want to draw on my next day off: Some ideas at hand are:

  • Few more of the horny drawings from the list.
  • More VTuber fanarts and/or wallpapers
  • Just... wholesome drawings, stuff involving hugs, glomps, cuddles, etc.
  • Aggressive stuff (Drawings looking more on the menacing side)
  • Few mini animations, mainly to support VTubers
  • Lewd stuff because me is perpetually horny unu


I just wanted to thank you all for your support, I really appreciate you all enjoy my artwork enough to help me do this full time.

Little Rant(?) /Ramble

Below are 2 complaints: 1 one some rule breaker and scam mails, is just me ranting so feel free to ignore XD, thanks for reading tho! 

So today someone comes to a piece and request some art (shocking) (The comments are deleted now, he deleted his part and I didn't want to leave only my replies hanging) but the gist of the things were that this person:

  • Tried to shield behind having Asperger
  • Said I was too strict with my rules
  • Complained the other time he requested something, I didn't do his request.
  • Told me how I should handle my account (advertise and be flexible with time after taking requests)
  • Said the punishment was "unfair" just because he didn't put attention
  • Tried to bargain for less punishing time (assuming that requests would be open by then)
  • Deleted his comments.

All (or most) of you know that I tried to explain things on my end: plans at hand, how I work, etc. (I may over explains at points) and overall try to be fair... to a degree. My reply on the matter were:

  • 1- I also have Asperger and that doesn't entitle nor excuse one from their actions or lack of them.
  • Been doing requests at times for years and been dealing with people that never bother to look around, that strictness is for a reason.
  • Every time I take request I mention is a very unreliable service
  • I have a system on how to handle stuff, he just never looked at the journals/profile
  • The punishment has the intention to teach a lesson "Cause and consequence" Coming out of nowhere and ask for free stuff shouldn't be a norm, not without looking around at least.
  • Which ironically, I mention in the ban journal that doing so can be punished with more punishment time (Actually still debating if I should increase his ban time. he coming like "Let's do this, just give me 8 months + 12 days of punishment and I ask again on May 25th" really pissed me off, the attitude of demand a lesser punishment and he being like "Ok, I take the punishment but in a way it won't affect me") SMH
  • I usually register the people in a private journal/gallery of those offending the rules, so he deleting his comments is also viewed as trying to erase evidence. and second motive of me considering to increase more time to the punishment

To a point, I'm starting to consider if I should just block someone who ask for a request THAT was already in the ban list, more on the lines of "You didn't learn your lesson before, you being here again means you just don't learn (And I don't have the will, mana nor desire to deal with you neither)"

But I feel that's a bit too extremist.

The other thing is, I cleaned my emails few days ago and my God, the amount of scam mails I got was huge 

Many of them were mails HAVING TITLES like:

  • Your account will be deactivated
  • Your Purchase was returned
  • Immediate action is needed
  • Your Netflix account will be deleted (I don't have netflix)

All of them having fake links (say, it will send you to amazon but the site is a bunch of numbers) an attached file, AND ALL OF THESE, came from regular mails (hotmail. gmail, etc.

I also got a mail, but basically is a full thread on the matter in this reddit post. The guy has my weakest password... Like, seriously I've been trying to remember where I was using that! XD

The other thing is... my PC doesn't has a camera (I have an external one, but it's usually disconnected.) So all in all, what I want to go with this is... be careful guys.

There is a lot of people out there who try to use fear and pressure to get money and/or information from you, do not answer, nor download files from mails you do not recognize. If you are going to click a link, make sure is the real deal (when you hover is should tell you to where it will redirect you), you can copy the link and check it in a notepad or such. But most of the times, ignore these and/or report them as phishing/spam

Keep your PC Safe with an antivirus and a VPN

Use Multi Factor Authentication

try to have strong passwords (Upper and lower case, a number, special characters, etc.)

Avoid using the same password on all sites (I mean, the guessed password is for the sites I don't care much)

Sorry for all the ramble XD, wanted to rant.

In any case, if you also read the rant, thanks for doing so. Hope you all have a good evening.


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