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With my monthly obligations with Patreon (Sketchorama, Requests, Comic of the month and Exclusive of the month) almost completed (Still missing the exclusive of the month), decided to open the event to work on the stuff.

Snatch Upgrade

The basic idea is that if you want to upgrade a piece (usually a sketchorama or request of the month [1] [2] ) you can ask me to do so. It has a cost, but it's not as if it were a full drawing.

I decided to post images to aid the current costs and avoid confusions as it seems my wall of text wasn't clear enough.

Deadline to ask for upgrades: Saturday 23rd, September 2023 at 8 pm (Central Mexico Time) Upgraded pieces per person: 2

You can upgrade from sketch (or lineart) to flat color, cell shade or smooth shade (no to lineart) or upgrade an already colored piece to something with shadings.

As I try to convey in the doodles, the discount basically is substract the base value of a piece (say if the piece was a flat color of 2 characters, their cost would be 8 USD, and you want to upgrade it to cell shade (13 USD), the cost would be 5 USD only.

Reminder: Each month I make a poll to upgrade the sketches of the previous month

(You could wait to see if it would be upgraded there and if it isn't, pay to upgrade it manually)

Current Plans

After finishing the exclusives of the month, I plan to do some administrative work: (Sorting stuff on Patreon, preparing things to post on deviantArt and Pixiv), and likely taking a day to rest. 

Status on commissions:

This month I asked the last people from the commission queue and either, the ideas were done, or people asked me to skip and ask them later.
I'll send these people who couldn't commission me at the moment a note allowing them to send me a note within a period of time, giving the details of their commissions, and respecting the old prices from it.

I do plan to offer the people of the VIP queue like a last commission round (only focusing on drawings) before adjusting my prices. But Is very likely next month Prices are finally adjusted.

As I've said before. I do plan to have a separate price sheet for Patreons (Having a small discount, but again, my prices aren't that high)




Upgrade for the exclusive of the month that includes the Mikanko girls and Pream. I wanted a version where the Mikanko girls are wearing the elemental knight outfits from Pream's ref sheet. Pream ref sheet: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1119103212696375296/1119242355116101672/Pream_Ref1.png

Lunar Worx

I'd like to request an upgrade to my September sketchorama: Isabella/Titania & Nymuria as Aaliyah's Grand Prizes as a cell shaded piece. A drawing of Isabella and Nymuria sharing a belly dance for Aaliya, Mannybot's OC. Both dancing in Grand Prizes outfits he designed. Both are supposed to look seductively joyful to be entertaining their mistress. Isabella's Outfit: https://sta.sh/020rldqjx3lu Nymuria Outfit: https://sta.sh/29anv6lw544 Nymuria: https://www.deviantart.com/lunar-worx/art/Nymuria-s-Origin-951635620 Isabella Pose: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/5785268?q=belly_dancing+ Nymuria Pose: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/5321124?q=belly_dancing+