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Yesterday I completed my monthly obligations with Patreon (Sketchorama, Requests, Comic of the month and Exclusive of the month).

My current plan is use today and tomorrow to rest and/or draw for myself and after that I will work on few side comms as well as the snatch upgrades. Before finally tackling the next VIP comm and the final comms from the regular queue.

The basic idea is that if you want to upgrade a piece (usually a sketchorama or request from this or a previous month) you can ask me to do so. It has a cost, but it's not as if it were a full drawing.

I decided to post images to aid the current costs and avoid confusions as it seems my wall of text wasn't clear enough.


Quick notes

Deadline to ask for upgrades: Tuesday 22nd, August 2023
Upgraded pieces per person: 2


You can upgrade from sketch (or lineart) to flat color, cell shade or smooth shade (no to lineart) or upgrade an already colored piece to something with shadings.

As I try to convey in the doodles, the discount basically is substract the base value of a piece (say if the piece was a flat color of 2 characters, their cost would be 8 USD, and you want to upgrade it to cell shade (13 USD), the cost would be 5 USD only.


As a side note and In case anyone wonders, When I readjust my commissions prices when completing the commission queue, I'll have a separate price sheet for Patrons. (Basically offer a discount on some tiers) making the upgrades cheaper overall.

All in all, I once again thank you all for your support.


Another note is a reminder that each month I upgrade the sketches of the previous month (You could wait to see if it would be upgraded there and if it isn't, pay to upgrade it manually), But that's just a suggestion :V




I would like to take a snatch upgrade for my recent OC sketch this month, to a flat color please


Am I allowed to upgrade? It's the deadline date so don't know if before or after counts