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Been feeling a bit... tired? In part been having troubles focusing overall. 

I think part of it is my body telling me to not stress as much/take a small break be it to be done with a game or just draw stuff I want. These breaks usually are just 2-4 days.

In part has been because I've been with the mentality of "Need to finish this, now need to finish this other thing, Now I need to handle that" and usually the break days I take were either or didn't properly rested and worked half day or so.

Not to mention there are stuff I've been wanting to draw but either used the "break day" to draw stuff, or postponing them.

So yeah, taking few days to let my head rest/breath/play games and draw my own stuff).



It's good to take a break when you feel like you need one. Hope you have a good time!


A break is a good idea.