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Hello everyone, here are the exclusive pieces of the month:

First one is from StarLuke04 His OCs Pink and an aged-up Yellow are captured in the Mermaid Factory from Shantae. They're already got fish attached to them with their expressions being shocked, wearing nothing but shells. The alts will have their expressions being lewder and a naked alt and the fish turning into their respective color scheme. 

The second exclusive is my pick from the proposal, I chose NekoIncardine's suggestion of Estelle, Rita and Judith from Tales of Vesperia.

I did a couple of heavy variants of this, the first 3 images have the girls entering the room, and getting hypnotized (with and without waves)

Next and for the hypno alts we have them wearing a bunny suit (black and colored), Shadaloo doll outfit, underwear, and Slave.

I also added naked alt but cropped it, because while my intention was to make Rita an adult, the body ended up looking far younger in comparison to Estelle and Judith. I just cropped her for be safe overall -w-' Still hope you all enjoy.

Thanks again for your continuous support!




Thank you so much for drawing my idea! This turned very awesome and hot at the same time! Always love the mermaid stuff, especially the factory and lewd parts