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First of all, I tend to open these elements (post about sketchorama and such) either Jan 1st evening or to be safe, on the second (mainly so the payment processing is completed and  everyone can receive the respective notifications)

I'll be tackling few subjects and ideas I have on my hands ATM, I'll start with the general rewards and move with some other ramblings.

Sketchorama of the month:

 Will remain as usual, a sketch can be requested (Be it comic or drawing of up to 3 characters), there is a cool down depending on how much was asked.

Sketchorama Upgrade:

A poll is executed to see which pieces will be upgraded, in theory (because we all know I suck at following my own guidelines) I upgrade the 3 pieces with the most votes. (In reality if there is a tie and is small, I can upgrade few more)

I'm also considering upgrading one or 2 pieces if I like them enough.

After the poll is done and the pieces have been done, one can DM me to commission an upgrade (there is a small discount since the piece was already sketched)

Exclusive Piece of the month:

As I mentioned before, I wanted to add some value to tiers 2 and 3 (and A).

This exclusive piece likely will be changing from month to month:

  • One month I may offer a couple of YCH (Your Character Here: A base sketch like those I did on December 9th and tiers 3/A suggest the characters (having a voting for one of the options))
  • Another one could be giving a theme like Valentine, Mermaids, Naga, hypnosis, petrification, etc. and people suggesting their ideas inspired by it.
  • A free theme is also viable.
  • I may just take suggestions like I did on December, in this case I may try to make a higher amount of ideas, but take keep the exclusivity for less time

IDK, there are many things to try, and in the end is an added value

The idea is to be able to offer a piece that may have few alts which can be considered as the bonus of these tiers.

I picked the gals and ideas on December (TBH, didn't had much time to allow a suggestion pick), but hope you all enjoyed them nevertheless.

Comic of the month:

Final reward is the comic of the month, my idea for January is to try to complete other 2 pages of Rune's comic. December was a busy month and I still need to figure out which is the best schedule on my end to avoid any major burnout.

I also would like to work more on the new comic "wrong destination", but as of now, the comic would have 12 "small" pages (More like manga sized like the one of Ty'Ree's armored fate) and the idea would be to upload 2 pages per month. And I would like to have most of it done, plus I feel the ending still is missing something, feels incomplete IMNHO.

Art Suggestions:

As I mentioned before, my intention isn't to necessarily paywall requests. So I do plan to keep tackling the suggestions I took on March 2021 and February 2022. I would like to open suggestions on 2023, but when I do so, I'll likely close the previous waves, so my idea is to try to tackle few more suggestions from those waves before opening the suggestions on deviant Art once again.


Being honest, I haven't been as consistent with my studies. I could put any excuse here, but the truth is, I haven't given the proper time nor the effort to practice whatever of the things I want to learn in a proper manner.
My main goal on December was to try to tackle as many commissions as I could due all the events that would be interrupting me (had a wedding, visited friends, visited family in another city), so that could be my excuse, but again, is something I must try to work on consistenly

So that's also in my plans.

January interruptions:

Aside from a friend visiting for new year (and he leaving on Sunday 1st As far as I'm aware), I want to visit my dad some weekend of January, but still need to check the dates with my younger brother.


I have talked about my general schedule, which I tried this month. the general base idea was work 3 days and rest 1, I, however (be it because I mismanaged my energy or I kind of stressed myself with deadlines) ended up with a small burnout for a couple of days.

Other things that complicate matters a bit more are:

  • Scheduling art: Taking time to schedule art to be uploaded on deviantArt and twitter, this means giving the respective descriptions to each piece.
  • Working on Patreon stuff: Sketchorama, the upgrade, comic of the months, the exclusive pieces, etc.
  • Personal projects: This can be mixed with above, like in the case of the comic of the month, which at times will be my own original idea, however, likely there are other things like the many hololive ideas I would like to draw qwq'.
    Not to mention me wanting to try new stuff like 3D modeling (and eventually 3D Printing), 2D animation, trying to make a visual novel or some game with those game makers, etc.)

I'll likely need to experiment.
> One of the ideas is to take 3 days of work, rest 1 then 2 of work and 1 of rest
> Another is take 4 days of work then rest one, but one of those days of work is to do the stuff I like, the rest day should be that. play games or if I draw, be it light stuff I'm in the mood for
Mixing is also an option, I wouldn't like to have more than 10 rest days per month TBH, again, need to see what works the best.

I'm kind of eager because I'm finally free from the IRL work, but again, there is so much one would like to do and so limited time and energy.

In any case, thanks for listening to my rambling, the idea was to mention a bit about the plans for January, mainly, but I ended up rambling :V

Thanks for the support and hope you all have a nice day/evening



I am looking forward to next year.